
Falken 飛勁 日本製 FK520


**English version below**

由差評變好評, 見証住Falken 輪胎的改變. 當年的 FK453 就算係高性能輪胎的確係麻麻. 總會聽到唔少人話: 

"飛勁? 我聽出面啲人話差差地嫁喎." 
 "我自己試過啦, 不了"

直到FK510 既出現, 終於將輪胎既性能帶上一個層次. 先唔講係其他地區吹到呢款呔有幾勁. (講到真係好誇張, 又話可以拍得住 Michelin Pilot Sport 4 ), 裝過FK510 既車主, 大部分既人都揀再裝番. 當然有一批都係揀番大牌子. 係日本製輪胎當中, 價錢, 性能都吸引左唔少車主試. 特別係價錢上完勝同一間廠製造既 日本製  Dunlop Sport Maxx 050+ . 除非Sport Maxx 050+ 做大特價 (曾經以半折出售), 當年都好易係呢兩者作出選擇.

細尺寸既款式 ZE310 都採用左 FK510 既花紋, 可以睇得出飛勁做出黎既進步.
本身都好想試下FK510 既我, 個陣最後裝左 Dunlop Sport Maxx 050+. (做緊特價, 冇理由唔試麻..)

直到兩年前, 全新款FK520 推出, 續一取代FK510. 全新花紋令行車嘈音降底. (按理上咬地性能都應該有增加, 不過有人話好似冇乜分別.) 而我, 終於都裝左 4條 FK520 落部車到.

尺寸: 225/50 R18
型號: Falken FK520
汽車型號: Toyota Vellfire Hybrid

1) 舒適: 中至高等. 始終係高性能輪胎. 但係絕對係唔差.
2) 聲音: 中等偏靜. 但對於平時播歌既我, 就算用手機開youtube 都聽得清. (我部sony android 開speaker 唔係太大聲的)
3) 濕地: 100km/h 上天橋轉彎中間個塊鐵皮都好隱陣. 
4) 耐用度: 同FK510 一樣算係正常損耗速度.

雖說呢款呔係非常岩我, 但非所有人都一定岩用. e.g. 有個客反映 Yokohama V701 既濕地性能始終都係較優勝. 
(**V701 係單向紋, 單向紋濕地一向係最出色

部分尺寸未有提供FK520, 只有FK510 仲繼續銷售. FK520 比FK510 貴左大約 $50 - $100/條. 而有部分尺寸既FK520 貴過 Dunlop Sport Maxx 060+. 對於兩者都出自於同一間廠, 自己好難唔去成日比較呢兩款既價錢. 從而變得 Sport Maxx 060+ 有機會較岩價錢既心水.

港車北上絕對係其一必備輪胎. 點解走長途要用好啲既呔? 因為走高速少不免一定過 120km/h. 所需同香港大有分別. 因為想慳錢, 求其裝不知名既牌子的話... 其實會唔會係香港裝番更出名既 賽輪 中國製會更好?

#個人保險牌照  JH7091
#強積金中介人牌照: 156845

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From negative to positive feedback. Experiencing how Falken tyres change its performance from its old model high performance tyre FK453, to the latest model FK510, and FK520. Back in the past, there are still some saying :
"Falken? I heard its performance is bad"
"I tried it before. Nah"

The release of FK510 finally gives a good impression to the drivers. Neglect how it was exaggerated about its performance in other markets (some said that its performance is on par with Michelin Pilot Sport 4 on other markets), those who installed FK510 chose to keep using it for the next replacement. 

Still, there are some preferred back a higher top brands. Under the category of Made in Japan, its pricing and performance attracts quite a lot of drivers to try out. Especially the pricing won over its counterparts Dunlop Sport Maxx 050+ in which it was manufactured at the same factory. Unless Sport Maxx 050+ had a great promotion (there was a time it was sold half the original price), it's easy to choose between the two.

Even ZE310 (which only offers smaller size) copied FK510 tread pattern. It can be referenced how big a improvement has made for Falken.

Although FK510 received numerous great feedback, I chose Dunlop Sport Maxx 050+. (with promotion at that time.)

Two years ago, a new model FK520 released to replace FK510. New tread pattern reduces noise level. A few comments on its quietness but performance seems to be the same. It's finally my turn to try out Falken tyre.

Size: 225/50 R18
Model: Falken FK520
Vehicle: Toyota Vellfire Hybrid

1) Comfort: Mid to high level. It's high performance tyre afterall. 
2) Noise: Considered quiet. I still can hear my android phone play youtube with speaker on (sony android phone speaker volume is not that high level)
3) Wet performance: No problem with 100km/h crossing the bridge metal connection.
4) Durability: No difference with FK510 

It may suit my requirement does not mean it suit everyone's. A customer comments that Yokohama V701 wet performance is still better than FK520.
(**V701 is directional tread pattern. Directional pattern has good wet performance compared to others.

Some sizes do not have FK520 available. FK520 is more expensive than FK510 by around $50 - $100/tyre. With some sizes more expensive than Dunlop Sport Maxx 060+. It's hard for me not to compare these two. Afterall they comes from the same manufacturer. 

In conclusion, Falken FK520 is one of the must installed tyres for North Bound Travel. It might be unavoidable to travel over 120km/h for highway. North Bound travel needs a higher requirement for tyres. Even if you want to get your expenses lower by installing an unknown brand, will it be better to install the China brand Sailun (top 10 tyre brands in value) in Hong Kong

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#MPF Intermediary License: 156845

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