
賽輪 Sailun - Atrezzo ZSR 高性能輪胎 High Performance Tyre

 *English version at the bottom*

係Tyrehood網上面最經濟型既輪胎, 一定會係賽輪呢個牌子.

其實(中國)賽輪已經都可以話係有名既牌子, 因為一早已經做出口係其他國家到賣. 賽輪都係其中一個, 係咁多年入面熱賣既牌子.

早幾年我地都有裝到20寸既賽輪係部Benz vito 輕型貨車到, 但當時我並冇紀錄底任何資料. 最近買左部二手車本身諗住用黎寫program debug 用, 就順道裝埋賽輪又寫下打手報告.

Size: 225/55 R16 ZSR

Model: Sailun - Atrezzo ZSR
Installed Year: 2021
Installed Vehicle: BMW 523i


對比之前用過, 同埋用緊既 Dunlop, 係有唔同既. 但對比原先買番黎個兩條(非中國製)既呔, 我就感覺唔到有咩唔同. (包括聲音, 咬地性能), 可能我行得唔夠快?

岩岩最近落雨即時走上高速行番轉, 係法例規定內行駛既速度, ZSR 都行得好好.
睇黎要再遲啲先試到, 再行快啲個陣既體驗. 因為最近實在太多車, 又塞車. 

越黎越多牌子進口到香港, 不少都係中國製輪胎. 但歷史都有咁上下既賽輪都有歐盟label

Source: ebay

早前出口到德國, 德國其中有名雜誌測試 ZSR 並有可觀的結果 (Auto bild approved)


再提提, EU label 係香港只作參考. 始終天氣同地都唔同. 



Talking about the most economical tyre sold in the Tyrehood product list is undoubted the Sailun brand.

Sailun is actually a well-known brand (manufacture in China) that sold around the world. It is also one of the hot sale products chosen by customers, including private vehicle, light goods vehicle, and heavy goods vehicle.

Few years back we installed sailun R20 size on the light goods vehicle but I did not record down any data on it. This time, I got these two to install on the recently bought vehicle (in which is supposed to be used for ECU programming)

Size: 225/55 R16 ZSR
Model: Sailun - Atrezzo ZSR
Installed Year: 2021
Installed Vehicle: BMW 523i

Some issues with the recently bought vehicle that I need to DIY to replace some worn parts (T.T) so I couldn't go on highway at first. Hope there aren't any more issues after fixing. But I drive around the area and the first impression is:

 "there is difference between the dunlop that I tried before, perhaps because of the size and vehicle model, but I dun feel the difference with this Sailun ZSR and the previous tyres (not made in China) "

On a rainy day at high way, ZSR are still up to expectation within legal speed limit. 
For higher speed experience, I am still waiting for chances when there are fewer vehicles on the road. (there are just too many cars and congestion on a highway recently )

More brands imported to HK and many are Made in China. Undoubtedly sailun also had eu label standard.

Source: ebay

Sailun also exported to Germany for sale, and the ZSR was tested by one of the famous Germany magazine test. (Auto bild approved)


EU label standard is only for reference in HK. Weather and material used in HK differs from Europe afterall. 
