
粉嶺高速公路既朋友要小心駕駛 Becareful when driving along Fanling Highway

好誇張, 連續有兩位朋友係粉嶺高速公路, 起緊天橋既附近既路段爆呔, 先分享下第一個既爆呔相

第一張睇落去好似冇乜野, 好似只係普通中釘, 但係一折開, 就見到成支叉插入去咁, 救唔番. 諗住以為只係中釘爆呔, 點知搞到咁

第二位朋友, 仲可怕. 佢形容一開始聽到車底 "bon" 一聲, 以為車底撞到野, 點知係條呔爆左. 拖車黎到, 折黎一睇, 呔鈴都穿埋, 都唔知俾的咩搞到咁

所以, 經過粉嶺高速都係小心留意下路面

(English version)

Unbelievable. It's probably the only words that I can think of, when two customers (not on the same day) came with their tyres unable to patch. If you are driving along the Fanling Highway, please be extra careful. 

The first looks like some sharp metal object puncture. 

When we took out the tyre, the object was so sharp that it puncture like a fork towards the rim. Unable to patch.

The other customer described his experience, when he drove along the Fanling highway, he heard a "bomb" sound under the car. He thought something big hit the car but it turns out it's his tyre that went out of air. When he came to our store and took out the tyre, then he saw there is a big hole at the rim. What the? What kind of things could pierce through the rim?

Well, just be extra careful when you are driving at the fanling highway.