
OBD2 Scanning System 汽車電腦掃描

*****English version below*****

(IT 人及現時自己做緊OBD2既興趣者 既請看英文版本)

總算黎到最後一個步驟既(first) project. 用左太耐既時間去研究點寫個程式出黎. 

(skip 呢個 paragraph 如果您知咩係OBD2)

 OBD2 其實係一個方法去讀取汽車電腦. 汽車電腦係成部車既"腦", 控制, 計算, 及安排汽車既協調. 汽車電腦都會存您既行駛紀錄. 如果部車有咩問題, 汽車電腦就會發出信息令到部車既錶版燈著去提示駕駛者有關問題出現. 您都可以利用電腦接駁汽車電腦去check 個問題. 

要詳細去講解有關OBD2 同埋汽車電腦, 就咁寫幾百頁都應該唔夠. 但現時其實有好多只係for 興趣既人都自己整番個 program 去讀取汽車電腦. 

(Picture depicting the RPM and Speed of the vehicle)

現時市場上都有大量既 OBD2 汽車電腦掃描系統. 由非常之平既 HK$10 一粒, 去到非常之貴既 HK$10萬以上一部. 至於佢地各方面有咩唔同我就唔知啦. 不過我自己就試過買粒平平地既諗住玩下, 點知粒野唔岩部車用. 但最後自己都成功左寫左段code 係部車2007 Toyota Estima 拎data.

能夠成功地接駁住汽車電腦, 就能成功連繫住現時既 Tyrehood Zone 應用程式. 利用兩者就能得到汽車數據, 了解更多有關自己部車同埋自己. 就算您唔識睇呢堆data, 我都可以解釋到俾您聽. (因為我前身就係 business analyst, 直到而家都仲係)

當然 data 唔止係我想要既野 😏. OBD2 都可以用黎發出信息俾汽車電腦, 如重置汽車電腦去番原廠模式 或者係 處理好問題後熄左個錶版上既問題燈. 


It finally comes to the end of the (first) project. Or rather, the end stage of the beginning. It took me way longer than expected to come to this stage. I am alone working on all IT projects as well as other operations. (Reminiscing about the past working with colleagues)

(skip this paragraph if you know what's it, just an introduction on OBD2 in general)

 Back to the topic on OBD2 scanning,  it serves to read the car computer data. The car computer is the brain of the vehicle that controls, calculates and works on your vehicle coordination, and store your journey along the way. If there is anything wrong with your vehicle, the car computer triggers the light (flashing or continuously on) on your car board to warn you something is wrong. You plug in a device to the car OBD2 and read what the computer is trying to tell you.

There is a lot to explain about OBD2 and car computing in a technical way. OBD2 has come to a very long journey and a lot of hobbyist are playing around with it using their vehicles. There are other discussions and arguments on the future of OBD2, but as at this moment, OBD2 can still be played around with.

(Picture depicting the RPM and Speed of the vehicle)

There are lots of OBD2 scanner device in the market. The cheaper ones (HK$10) to a very expensive one (over HK$100k above). I got no answer on what are the differences between these products, but I bought a cheap one that actually do not work on my car (ops...). Thankfully I still manage to get the code going and get what I wanted on the 2007 Toyota Estima. 

I called this the final stage of my first project, because I need to connect the "brain" of the vehicle to my existing Tyrehood Zone application. With that you get to know yourself better driving your vehicle by looking at your own data. Even if you do not know how to look at the data, I can still explain those data to you. (I was a business analyst afterall, and still doing it today)

Of course data is not the only thing I want. 😏 With OBD2, it's not just receiving data, but sending out data as well such as resetting the car computer (in the case of error code occurs). 

This project is still in a beginning stage but I am looking forward to moving in a more advanced level, and open to share this work to people who are interested in working on obd2. (only if you are developing on it). I dun see many working on it in Hong Kong, but Let's keep in touch if you are working on OBD2. Feel free to invite me if you have a community sharing too.