

今次有位司機黎補呔時, 充氣發現條呔生"仔"

其實係條呔冇氣既時候係好難見到的. 紅色圈為"有左" 既部位.

做下手術拉開佢, 其實會見到條呔入面的鐵線呀等. 其實就咁睇都好難知佢有左. 

有的咩方法真係知道佢生仔? 充氣時會見到佢突左出黎. 如果你係油站打緊氣, 或者係其他地方打氣見到就唔好繼續打氣啦. 因為再打就會爆. 就會出現我係第一個文章到所發生既野啦.

(English version)
I don't know why lots of special cases happen in helping the customers patching the tyre.
This time, a driver come and ask for a tyre patch, and we discovered that it was "pregnant" when we are pumping air to it


Let's do an operation and have a look on the inside. You may see the some wires in the tyre. Actually it's difficult to see if it's actually "pregnant"

So are there any ways to find out? Try pumping air into the tyre and that part will grow like a ball.
If you happen to be pumping air into your car tyre, just to be extra careful about your tyre may actually be pregnant. Further air pumping to the tyre may result in explosion which I had shown to you guys in the first article.

Stay safe.



今次係小弟第一次開post, share 俾大家的趣事, 如果你都想知其他更多既野, 或者想分享下, 不妨大家交流.

今次, 想同大家講, 第時經過呔鋪, 真係唔好行咁近個的充緊氣既呔.
我第一次開始做, 試過一次中型貨車既呔打緊氣時突然爆左. 成條呔裂開晒. (最後研究過應該係條呔太耐老化)
個次第一次經驗, 真係反應唔到. (應該第一時間影相 ^^''')

估唔到有第一次, 就有第二次, 不過就唔係發生係我身上. 睇番CCTV (圖一), 你會見到有白煙噴出. 其實係充氣時條呔突然爆. 一聲巨響成條街都聽到. 個下沖力都好驚人, 行得太近會受傷.


最後見到條呔係有個hole. 一個細hole 爆發力都好驚人.

其實細呔都有機會發生, 所以, 經過呔鋪 或者補呔既, 都唔好咁近. 安全要緊.

Whether you are passing by a tyre store, or patronize the store for a tyre patch, just don't go right in front of the tyre when the air is pumping in. In case if the tyre is too old / worn out that it may explode just like what you see in the first picture