
部車有酸臭味, 會唔會係電池問題? The vehicle got a foul smell, could it be the battery issue?


(English version at the bottom)

有冇見過電池會脹起? 有冇曾經企係電池隔離聞過有種強烈既異味? 有冇聽過電池(唔係鋰電)會爆炸? 

好難得先俾我影到電池有問題時既情況. 就算電池脹起都好難就咁用相睇得出. 唔知大家係影片到睇唔睇到白煙一直由電池氣孔到發出...

咁多年內, 見過電池脹起次數都不算特別多. 當中包括歐洲車款原配電池. 但脹起唔代表會有異味. 有異味都唔代表住電池會脹起. 
異味聞起黎似 ammonia (唔知中文係咩. 當年中學化學做實驗時要聞, 因為聞唔到, 所以我成個頭放係正個test tube 上一聞就 💀. 太深刻 )

🔍上圖既出現絕對唔關電池品質問題. 白煙出現係因為電池水"水滾". 如果有人話您知係電池品牌問題, 我係到話您知, 有部 "L" 字既新車原裝跟車AGM電池發生同樣問題. "水滾"原因唔多講. 可以係短暫性但(對電池)有致命性. 呢個情況下, 先更換電池後再檢查下部車有冇咩特別問題. 唔check 車的話, 一年內粒電池又再死多次可証實部車有啲問題.

👀 曾經有提過私家車如果有排氣管係車身最好都係裝落粒電池到. 如果唔岩裝的話可以3D 打印整番個轉換器裝入去 (排氣管會疏通番啲氣出車外). 通常汽車配有排氣管係為左避免氣體累積係車入面. 累積一定濃度+某條件係會爆炸. (因為 hydrogen) 💥 但應該唔會出現. 因為您一定會頂唔順個味. 如果有人話您知, 排氣管冇用, 咁係因為未用得著. 

❓混能(hybrid)及電動車會唔會發生呢樣野? 我99%肯定話您知唔會. 呢兩款既"火牛" 實在太耐用. 直到目前為止 (e.g. Prius 10幾年車) 都未發生過任何問題. 仲有1%係因為我未夠足夠數據....

如果有日, 突然聞到部車有啲唔正常既氣味, 不妨都睇埋會唔會係粒電池問題.

電池分類 (邊款先係部車岩用)







Ever seen an automotive battery casing defected? Ever smell something awful when stand near a battery? Ever heard of a non lithium battery could explode?

it's rare for me able to take a video of battery issue while the car is running. It's hard to look a defected casing battery in an image. Not sure if you can manage to see white smoke coming out from the battery in the video.

Over the years it's not common to see battery casing defect which include an original equipped battery from a Europe manufactured vehicle. A defect of the battery casing might not produce awful smell, vice versa. 
The awful smell like ammonia, in which I had experienced by placing my nose on top of the test tube for an experiment during my secondary school chem lab. It was too shocking💀

🔍 The above cause is NOT related to battery quality. The white smoke coming out from the battery is due to the boiling of the acid. If someone were to tell you that it must be the low quality of some not famous battery brands, I can tell you that the original equipped AGM battery from a "L" (new) vehicle got this issue as well. The cause can vary. It can be short-lived but deadly (to the battery). In this case, battery replacement is the first priority and vehicle inspection is required afterwards. Otherwise, you could wait for a year. If battery dies again, it implies there is a problem with your vehicle. 

👀 It was mentioned previously that if you vehicle has a tube near the battery location, it is recommended to connect to the battery hole at the side. If it cannot be connected, you can 3d print the converter to connect it (for transferring the gas outside of the vehicle). Vehicles normally contain this tube to avoid accumulating the gas inside the vehicle. If such gas was accumulated to a certain concentration + a certain condition, your car will explode. (mainly due to hydrogen accumulation)💥 But it shouldn't be happened because the smell is too strong for you to keep driving. 

❓ Will hybrid and EV experience such issue? I can highly certain that the transformer of these vehicles are very durable. Up until now, (e.g. Prius 10 something years vehicle) had never experience any issues. The only thing that is lacking is the data to support it.

If you happen to smell something foul one day, check out your battery to see if there is any problem with it.

Battery Category (which one is suitable)



Battery issue

