
(English version) The origin of second hand tire(tyre)

The day before, we discovered that some of the tires in front of our stores were missing.
Looking back the video, we found out that there was a guy wearing addidas shirt (covering his face) and sport shoes searching for second hand tires.

(Video shown on facebook page below)

Doing this at night searching for tires.... is it an understatement to say he stole the old tires / second hand tires for his use? Or maybe I am wrong, it's not stealing, it's picking up perhaps? But why covering his face?

Didn't he think that the tire may be unusable and burst if he used that?

At least I am now aware why people have a continuous source of second hand tire for his use... or maybe for selling.

If you plan to cover your face and "steal", why drive a vehicle with a company name on it? Your boss should think twice of continuing the employment contract with you, knowing that you actually steal things.

Since the company name is in Chinese as shown in the video, it would be much easier to find out the person.


前日冇啦啦發現左門口冇左啲呔, 番查原來有個人扯高件衫摭住塊瞼 
(video 可以禁下面個facebook page 到睇)

夜晚偷偷摸摸黎呔鋪搵呔, 好明顯想睇下會唔會偷到舊呔(舊胎)番去俾自己用.
呀, 唔係, 佢可能會覺得係執先岩. 但係執都要摭住塊瞼?

我驚您拎左唔用得既呔, 俾自己用或暫賣俾人用, 條呔突然爆炸, 害已害人

不過我終於知道點解有啲人一直都會拎到舊呔黎裝, 原來係去人地鋪頭偷番黎用. 呀, 唔係, Sorry, 可能係佢賣俾人用先岩.

偷還偷, 偷得衰過人, 仲要渣部公司車黎偷. 如果您係打工既, 真係害死您老細. 估唔到原來自己員工係會偷野. 仲搞衰埋自己公司.

廣東....? 中東..... ?


又似個 "八" 部首係下面個位, 唔知有咩字係咁既字呢?

都係直接去查有邊間公司有 "運輸有限公司" 就搞點.