
Dunlop 輪胎 - Sport Maxx 050+ 高性能輪胎 High Performance Tyre

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如果只係香港市場去睇, 好多人想揀高性能輪胎都會偏向揀番 (個幾個) 大牌子既輪胎. 但係 Dunlop 高性能系列入面既 SP Sport Maxx 會令人有所改觀. 特別平時有部分人成日話Dunlop 麻麻地.

幾年前 Dunlop 香港 既 Sport Maxx 050+ 做左個超級大優惠. (應該唔會再有, 我都想佢再有). 所以趁機都買左兩條自用. (又係用係 Toyota Estima)

Size: 215/55 R17
Model: Dunlop Sport Maxx 050+
Manufacture year: 2018
Installed year: 2019
Vehicle: Toyota Estima

050+ 乾濕地, 落雨天, 咬地力, 剎車性能依然一流(有feel). 渡過四季, 瀑雨, 風球都仲好行. 

可惜唔係所有尺寸都有. R16 只有少部分, 都係R17 及以上先有得揀 Sport Maxx 050+

雖然某程度上都有少少嘈音, 但我平時開車都會聽radio 或者音樂, 所以呢方面我就唔係好覺有太大影響. 用係歐洲車到既話相信嘈音都唔會係一個問題.

其實用落真係唔錯. 都係覺得各位值得一試. 

1) 舒適: 用得高性能呔都唔會諗住想要咩舒適感.
2) 聲音: 少嘈係正常. 唔想就當然要揀 Dunlop 既靜音呔 LM705
3) 濕地: 行足 100km/h 我自己就冇問題, (行到110 我就未試過. 反而我用大陸呔我就試過). 始終載人既7人車自己都唔會開快.
4) 耐用度: 咬地既呔通常都係冇咁耐磨. 但呢對都玩左2年. 

今日050+ 玩到退役, 換左都係 Dunlop 兩條頂級性能既 Maxx RT2. 又係趁Dunlop 出優惠既時候買既  Dunlop Sport Maxx RT2. 行左轉既 first impression... 原來頂級真係有分別. 可惜冇乜人識欣賞. 唯有留番黎俾自己人玩.


When it comes to choosing high performance tyre, people tends to go for a more well known brand in the Hong Kong market. But the high performance tyre category (SP Sport Maxx) may change your impressions on its high performance category. (I don't know why some people have a bad impression on Dunlop)

Few years back, Dunlop HK has a GREAT promotion (which I do not think it will happen again) on Sport Max 050+. I took the opportunity to buy 2 for myself and installed on the vehicle (once again, it's the Toyota Estima)

Size: 215/55 R17
Model: Dunlop Sport Maxx 050+
Manufacture year: 2018
Installed year: 2019
Vehicle: Toyota Estima

These two lasted for two years.

And they do not disappoint. The 050+ traction, cornering, and braking distance are excellent. (Tested under the legal limit on the high way, I couldnt' say I drive over 160km/h right, nah I don't.) They even went through heavy rain and typhoon. Unfortunately this product model is limited to a few sizes for R16, and more stocks for R17 and above.

If you are looking for high performance tyre, and have never tried the 050+ product before, this is one of the products that you should try it out, whether it's 2 qty, or 4 qty.

1) Comfort: You should think of comfort and high performance to be invert correlated.

2) Sound: A slight noise is normal. Otherwise you should choose Dunlop LM705

3) Raining Experience: Driving up to 100km/h has no issue for me. Never try 110 before but I did it on the China brand tyre. Afterall the 7 passenger vehicle is commonly used for more people aboard.

4) Wear:  Traction is also invert correlated to wear. Afterall these two lasted for 2 years. It is considered quite a long mileage to me

Now these 050+ is finally worn off and got to change another new pair. The Sport Maxx RT2, 215/55 R17, to replace the Maxx 050+. 

yea, the Maxx RT2  has a promotion recently for this size. After driving for a round, I realize there is really a difference between Max performance, and high performance for the Dunlop category.