

(English version at the bottom)

香港鋪頭做呔鈴修補好似唔多.. (可能我唔係點留意, 但freelance 既都唔少.). 有唔少人問我有冇做呔鈴修補. 我自己就從未做過呢樣野, 搞到我又想玩下, 所以就自己買左啲料試下..... 

手工點都肯定差啲, 因為我冇機器整. 只係靠對手用紗紙係咁磨, 磨番平個位之後再補. 補完之後再上色

 對於未試過補鈴既車主, 如果想補既話, 您就要預埋改色, 或者重新嘖過同一隻色啦. 因為日子耐左您條鈴原先既色會變的. 就算噴番同一隻色都會有色差.  

如果鈴邊位多個地方都需要修補的話, 好有可能要好長時間先搞得點. 因為仲要填番個位. 

不過就唔好搵我補啦, 因為我又唔似得其他做左咁多年既師傅補得咁靚, 有機會有少少突左啲補既位出黎. (除非您唔介意拎黎俾我玩). 

如果冇街出, 不妨可以自己試玩下. *最好拆左條呔出黎用砂紙磨, 就手啲. 所以如果您有打算想自己整, 您又咁岩又會換呔個陣您就可以順便搞埋.

下次會試下噴色, 到時再分享下.


There are not many retail stores prvoide repair rim service. (or maybe I am not aware of it since I do not provide such service, but I am aware that there are some freelancers who provide such service). More ppl asking such service, and out of curiosity, I decide to try it out myself.

Surely not as great as those professional. I do not have any devices to help, only using sand paper

For people who have never patronize a store for rim repair service, there is a high possibility of a need to change the color of the rim (or simply "renew" the rim by spraying the same color) as the color may change after long service hours.

It may take a long time too if there are multiple places to repair.

But please do not look for me to get this service as I am just a first timer trying this for fun. (unless you do not mind letting me "playing" around with your rim.

If you have no places to go, why not trying it out yourself? *It's easier to rub the rim by dismounting the tire. If you happen to change tire, you could take the rim to rub before installation of new tire.

The next time I will try changing color of the rim.