
Asymmetric tire installation on the left and on the right 不對稱輪胎的安裝位置

The last post talked about three different tire patterns, and asymmetric tire pattern obtained are most often manufactured.

Asymmetric tire has an indicator "OUTSIDE" on the sidewall to tell people that it is mounted with the side facing outwards of the vehicle, and it can be installed on any side of the vehicle...... until a customer asked me regarding the installation of this asymmetric tyre on the left and right, I found out that I still need to learn more...

When this type of tyre is installed on the left and right, the patterns become different. This time, I use Kenda KR400 asymmetric tire to have a look of it.

The left side of the tire, the pattern (looking from outside to inside) goes from left top to the right bottom, and the right side of tire, the pattern (looking from outside to inside) goes from right bottom to the left top

Under normal circumstances, the pattern mounting on the left should be the same as on the right or vice versa (as depicted on the picture below, using red line)

The final production of such tire pattern is (probably or looks like) because of the manufacturing cost is lower, and according to the testing result which shows there is no issue with the performance.

In foreign country(ies), there are models with asymmetric tyre pattern indicated to mount on the left and right. 

Anyway, we do not need to care much about the pattern as there is only such asymmetric tire available in Hong Kong market, and as long as we are following the OUTSIDE and INSIDE mounting instruction


 係上一次就講到分別有三款呔紋, 而不對稱呔紋又係市場上佔左一定既地位.

不對稱呔紋輪胎有既標示, OUTSIDE, 都好明顯話俾人知個位係對出, 就應該可以裝係部車任何前後左右既位置...... 直到我俾人問左一個問題, 我發現我自己真係唔夠細心. 

當呢種呔裝係左面, 同埋右面既, 就會發現呔紋其實係唔同左方向. 今次就拎左Kenda KR400 既不對稱輪胎睇睇. 細心觀察下, 裝係左邊既呔紋(由出面去入面睇) 係由左上角去右下角. 而裝係右邊既呔紋係(由出面去入面睇)由右下角去左上角

正常黎講, 裝係左邊既呔紋應該同裝係右邊既呔紋成為倒影 (如下圖, 用紅色線示).  

係最後決定生產出黎最後都係得一款, inside outside 呔紋而不分安裝於左或右, 好似係因為製造成本費會較平, 同埋根據測試後發現就算似照第一張圖既情況下安裝, 性能都冇問題. 

不過咁樣睇第一圖既裝法, 總係覺得好似.. 怪怪的?

外國市場都好似有不對稱既呔係有分安裝於左及右. 不過係呢到香港, 都係唔好諗咁多啦, 跟番佢話係OUTSIDE 就向番出咁裝. 因為我地都冇得揀. 只係得呢啲OUTSIDE 同 INSIDE 既呔.