
打呔氣 (省兩邊 / 中間無紋) tyre air pressure - part iii (tyre thread wear off)

經過多番既研究, (為左避免好似part ii 咁 學錯左野 >< ),  就係平時有朋友都會問, 點解條呔會 "省一邊" / "省兩邊" 或者係中間無紋 (好少見).

先講後兩者, 車呔 "省兩邊" 同 "中間無紋". 因為對於打呔氣有關聯的.

1. "中間無紋"
即代表你打得太多呔氣入去 (over-inflation). 呔既中間因太多氣, 比兩邊突出. 行走時只有中間既紋貼落地.

2. "省兩邊"
原因係打得太少呔氣 (under-inflation). 行走時兩邊既呔紋比中間突出同貼地.

車呔兩邊比較硬身o的, 打少左氣(並有重量係上面壓下時), 中間就會凹左少去少少, 變左呔既兩邊較貼地. 相反, 多左呔氣, 迫左中間凸出, 行車時中間會貼地左.

大家得閒可以留意下自己既車呔有冇以上情況,  可以令車呔行得更長久

如果跟足車廠既標準呔氣, 都發現省兩邊既話, 不妨試下打多少少, 因為車廠始終都係做車唔係做呔, 都可能唔知咁多個牌子(同新型號)既車呔既特性同物料既質地

English version

After further studying (to avoid the same mistake I made in the previous post), to ascertain the reasons why we have tire wear in the middle or both side.

These two situations are related to the tyre pressure

1. tire wear in the middle
It indicates you have pumped in too much air in the tyre, resulting in the middle tread surface area sticking the ground more than both side.

2. tire wear on both side
It implies under-inflation. Tire tread on both side sticks on the ground more but not the middle tread.

Due to the stronger tyre sidewall, the middle tread will cave in under the situation of under inflation (when there is weight). The inner and outer side of the tyre's surface area touch the ground more than middle, hence, wearing both side easily. The same goes for over inflation.

Check your tire for the above situation will help your tyres to run for longer time.

If you have already followed the car manufacturers recommended tyre pressure, and still discover both side tire wear, try pumping in a little more air. Car manufacturers do not manufacture tyre afterall. Tyres characteristic may have changed over time with it's improvement and ingredient.


