English Version is at the bottom part of the page
最近有個朋友黎左換呔, 分享左佢係九龍某間呔鋪換呔既經驗.
最近有個朋友黎左換呔, 分享左佢係九龍某間呔鋪換呔既經驗.
個位師傅, (應該係冇現貨係到) 就換晒 4條呔都係同一尺寸 (225 40 R18). 其實尾呔係應該換寬身的既呔(因為呔鈴唔同), 可能個位師傅都唔為而, 就換左4條同一尺寸.
換左窄身既呔之後, 後呔變成咁
換呔前 (圖一)
呔鈴明顯地外露出黎. 呔鈴會因為咁而更易受到撞擊. 個friend 話, 平時隔幾日都要打多次氣, 睇黎唔止係呔鈴會受傷既問題. 包唔住成個呔鈴令到有gap 位係到, 引致每日少部分漏氣.
換呔前 (圖二)
如果自己覺得好似唔對路既話, 我係唔介意大家可以whatsapp 張相俾我睇睇, 同大家研究下 :D
又抽下水, 呢位師傅賣出4條 225/40 R18 Dunlop 既價係 $1500/條.
我賣比個朋友 同一size 都少於 $1000/條. $1500 呢個價相信同出面其他九龍區既鋪頭差唔多, 九龍區換呔似終都係會貴番的既, 例如食野都會比新界貴.
如果換番岩既尺寸, 心都好的, 但係, 師傅換左2條唔岩既........ (no eye sees, 原諒佢吧, 佢都可能睇錯je)
幫個friend 換番岩既後呔尺寸, 即時靚番晒.
換呔後 (圖一)
感覺完全唔同晒. fit 番岩呔鈴, 冇咁易整傷
English Version
A friend came recently to change tyres, and shared his experience at a Kowloon tyre retail store.
The technician (probably have no inventory for the size) suggested to change all 4 tyres with the same size. (225 40 R18). The rear tyre should change a longer width but the technician did not realize that, and change all 4 tyres to be the same.
A shorter width rear tyre caused a little gap between the rim and the tyre sidewall as followed
Before changing tyre (pic 1)
The side of the rim protruded. Without the tyre sidewall covering, the rim is prone to rock and stone "attack" on the road. My friend said that he needs to pump in air again every few days. That implies, the air is leaking out in between the gap.
Before changing (pic 2)
Zoom in to have a better look.
If you feel something is wrong with your tyre, do feel free to contact me, whatsapp the picture, and discuss about it :D
(Grabbing a little limelight here) The technicians sells 4 tyres (size 225/40 R18) Dunlop for $1500/piece. And I sold less than $1,000/piece. Perhaps that's the price difference between Kowloon area and New Territories area. Just like having a meal in Kowloon is more expensive than in New Territories.
After changing the appropriate size,
換呔後 (圖一)
The look is surely different from before. The size fits the rim.