
趣事分享 I broke a metal

唔知標題寫咩好, 只係想分享下.

平時"打針" 既補呔, 都會用到 下面呢舊野

就係用黎"吉"的野入條呔到. 睇落去應該呢舊野會好實正 (因為係用鐵做既)

上星期幫個人補呔時, 下部分既鐵竟然斷左.

連做左呢行好耐既我呀哥聽到我話斷左, 個樣就 "What The ___?" 斷左?

唔通我已經練成氣功? 我都只係大聲叫 "哈" 咁je.

Well, actually I don't know what kind of title should I put, simply wanted to share the below experience.

Normally, tyre technicians may use the below tool to inject a brown color (which I don't know what it called in English ) thingy to the tyre hole.

It's made of metal, that allows technicians to easily inject and pull out the tool within the rubber tyre. It shouldn't be easily breakable right? Oh well.... Last week when I was injecting the thingy to the tyre hole, the metal ............BROKE 

My brother had a "What The ____" expression wearing on his face. 


