(English version below)
每年既年尾到3月31日, 不論係社交媒體, 討論區等, 只要您上網睇野都會好大機會見到網上廣告關於扣稅, 比較多既係扣稅年金 ("QDAP").
用6萬 去慳到最高稅額 $10,200 既 扣稅年金 / 可扣稅自願性MPF供款, 只係當您既計算稅額去到至少 $260,000 (現時 $50,000 @ 2%, 6%, 10%, 14%, 17% 累進税率計算. 因應政府推出的稅務計劃而變更).
👂 有冇需要買?
如果您認為而家呢刻存起 $49,800 俾您將來用就可以賺多, 唔係交出 $10,200 的話, 仲駛諗既?
-> 如果您係有限公司持有人的話, 兩級制税率去到15%計算的話, 就會慳最高$9900 稅. 就算去唔到15%, 最高都慳 $4950 稅.
到底買邊個先好? 扣稅年金 "QDAP" vs 扣稅自願強積金 (TVC)
扣稅年金 | 扣稅自願強積金供款 | |
最少供款 | $36,000/年 (最少總共要供 $180,000) 每年供款 / 一次繳清 | 視計劃詳情 $300/月, or $3000/年 供款額可以更改 |
最少供款年期 | 5年 | 無 |
提取 | 最快55歲 , 直到85 - 100歲 | 65歲 |
提取款額 | 每個月 一筆特定金額 | 戶口內所有 或 自己想提取的金額 |
類別 | 儲蓄保險 | MPF |
回報 | 保證及非保證金額 | 視您自己的投資決定, 需定期查看投資風險並判斷是否需要更換投資類別. MPF 當中一定會有保守基金, 及保證基金 |
額外保障 | 可於一段期間內享有人壽, 意外, 危疾 保障 | 無 |
睇下自己想要既扣稅計劃, 到底邊一樣較為重要,
- 您係想黎緊 5 - 10年內都一直會扣稅 (預計有足夠現金流), 定係因應每年既計劃去作出調整供款, 定還是只需要今年內扣稅?
- 您會唔會想係到左提取既年齡時一筆過拎?
- 您需唔需要額外既保障 ?
- 您會唔會驚第時太多錢係身, 會大洗唔想咁快拎晒啲錢?
Every year ends to the next year 31st Mar, whether it's social media, forum, as long as you access to the Internet, you will surely get an advertisement about tax deduction, mostly focusing on Qualifying Deferred Annuity Policy. (aka "QDAP").
With all the focus on saving up to $10,200 tax for spending maximum $60,000 (actual spending $49,800) on QDAP/ Tax Deductible voluntary MPF, it is attractive enough for a "long period of time deposit saving". That's only if your net chargeable income is at least $260,000 (for the current $50,000 @ 2%, 6%, 10%, 14%, 17% progressive tax rate. Of course the amount will change subject to government tax plan).
👂 Do you need it?
That's if you believe this $10,200 is good enough for you to spend extra $49,800 for your saving in the future
Which one to choose? "QDAP" vs Tax Deductible Voluntary MPF Contribution (TVC)
Tax Deductible Voluntary MPF Contribution |
Minimum Amount Contribution |
$36,000/year (Total amount minimum must be $180,000) Paid by year or in one go |
depending on the plan, $300/month, or $3000/year Contribution amount can be adjusted
Minimum Contribution period |
At least 5 years |
No restriction
Withdraw period |
At the age of 55, withdraw until 85 - 100 |
At the age of 65
Withdraw amount |
a certain amount based on the plan EACH month |
your desired amount in your account upon submission, or ALL the amount in the account |
Category |
saving insurance plan |
MPF plan
Investment return |
guarantee return + non guarantee return it's a saving insurance |
based on your investment decision. Require you to check out and make any changes on investment if needed There is always a Conservative Fund and guaranteed fund in it.
Extra protection |
offer a sum of life insurance, accidental insurance, critical illness protection in a certain period |
- Do you want keep reducing your tax in the next 5 - 10 years (with sufficient cash flow), or do you want to adjust your contribution based on your calculation in the statement each year (or simply just want to reduce your tax this year)?
- Do you want to withdraw all the amount at one go at the age of withdrawal ?
- Do you want extra protection ?