
汽車保險 (第三者及全保) 深入了解 Vehicle Insurance (Third party and Comphrensive) in depth

 (English version below)


對於部分車主購買 第三者保險首選都係為左為主. 

基本上大部分既汽車保險, 除左政府要求的 "強制性" 對於第三者的死亡和受傷的法律責任最低要求的保險金額外, 通常都包括埋 第三者財產損失. 

唯一注意就係購買時既第三者財產墊底費, 會唔會只係差少少既保費, 就享受到底啲既墊底費?

不過今次再講多啲有關 "強制性" 呢樣野.

強制性 (法例要求你買個保險先可以係合法使用車輛), 基於 - 使若干條款無效及有權追回款項條款, 保險合同中的條款可能會被視為無效. 即係出左意外都一定要賠 (對於第三者的死亡和受傷). 但後面個句 "有權追回款項條款" 代表住保險公司係可以追回已支付的款項. 

乜野情況下會令到保險公司追番投保人/當時人? 除左個啲詐騙, 隱瞞重要事實外, 仲有係違反法律條款. 例如更換左唔岩裝係部車既輪胎 (特別係講緊輕型貨車), 就有機會被保險公司追討

部分輕型貨車車主都會更換呔鈴並安裝私家車輪胎, 但市面上並非所有私家車輪胎都岩裝. Hiace 200, 換左呔鈴. 但改還改, 都唔好裝條唔岩輕型貨車既輪胎吧? 望真啲睇下用緊咩呔?

215/50 R17 95W Sailun Atrezzo ZSR.

💣95承重 (承重 690kg), 你連部車既淨重量都負重唔到. 出現任何意外, 就算唔係你錯, 點都會怪罪於部車裝左不合規格輪胎. 

🙈係呢個情況下, 如果駕駛呢部車既當事人發生意外被第三者索償, 除左好大機會都一定被拒絕理賠財物, 更有機會被自己投保的保險公司追討番第三者的死亡和受傷賠償.

👀除了汽車第三者保險外, 其他強制性保險包括 船隻責任保險, 大廈法團保險及僱員補償保險都適用於 "使若干條款無效及有權追回款項條款". 

綜合保險 (全保)

新車一定買全保. 又係間間都大同小異. 除左又係墊底費之外, 當中其實值得留意既地方:

💡 無賠償折扣還原保障 (NCD Protection)

條款通常例明受保期間總額不超過某數額或汽車市值的某個%(以最底為準), 並保留您既 e.g. 60%NCD .... 係保留您既 NCD, 唔係保留您既保費. 


通常係首次登記一年內, (有啲可能係必須 製造年份與首次登記年份相同), 係完全損毀或被盜竊後可以有一部全新車賠償.


有冇聽過一粒石仔打中您塊擋風玻璃就有機會出現好似子彈咁既撞擊. 所以從來都唔好係大車後面行駛. 但係避到行車避唔到您泊左部車係樹下跌左大樹枝落黎. 全保通常有最高賠償金額俾您去更換擋風玻璃


部車被人偷左或全損唔用得 超過某時間, 保險公司會提供代用車(支付某%租金). (設有每日及每年最高賠償). 有時對於一定要用車番工放工既人, 減底左個支出.

🚨 幫您追討墊底費


💵 豁免第三者財物墊底費

係某年齡層內 (加埋 X年既駕駛經驗以上). 雖然有啲墊底費都只係幾千, 但都好過冇. (雖則有啲車款全保都要過萬)

可能唔係間間都有晒以上所有野. 但未必所有野都岩您用. 當然最好用唔著. 買保險都只係為左留條後路俾自己. 就算唔係自己錯, 至少都可以保到自己.

1) P牌, 駕駛經驗 2年以下 , 25歲以下 係咪好難買?

二手車黎講應該係比較難搵到但都實會有保險公司肯俾您投保. 有時咁岩您買既個部車保費都可能唔貴.

2) 點解唔同保險公司會有唔同保費?

我都唔知點解. (講緊如果相同墊底費同保額). 但並非一定只有一間保險公司先會係最平. e.g. 保險公司 A 既 BMW 保費係最平, 但保險公司B 既 Tesla 保費係平過保險公司A.


Third Party Insurance

Purchasing third party insurance, for some, may opt for the cheapest one.

Vehicle insurance basically include "compulsory" third party death and injury legal liability minimum amount requirement, and third party assets loss. (which is not compulsory)

Important note on third party assets loss is the excess, which could probably just a small amount of difference in the insurance cost that could give you a lower excess.

This time, let's go into detail of "Compulsory"

Compulsory (the law require you to purchase insurance), due to ( 使若干條款無效及有權追回款項條款) clauses that render certain terms invalid and grant the right to recover payments. This implies the insurance company needs to pay the third party victim regardless of the terms in the contract. But the latter of the sentence give the insurance company the right to chase back the amount paid

Lying and not disclosing important information is definitely part of the conditions that the insurance company will chase back the amount. Violating certain law is also part of it, e.g. installing tyres that are not suitable for the vehicle (especially van), which may be part of the conditions.

Some van owners will change their rims and sizes, and install passenger vehicle tyres. However, not all passenger tyres are suitable. For this Hiace which has replaced its all four rims with unsuitable tyres. Zoom in and look what tyres it is using....

215/50 R17 95W Sailun Atrezzo ZSR.

💣With a load index of 95 (Able to support 690kg), it cannot even support your vehicle kerb weight. If any accident occurs, your tyres (which fail to meet the legal requirement) will be blamed for the cause even if it is not your fault.

🙈 In this case, insurance company most likely reject any claims on third party assets loss, and might chase after any amount it paid for the third party death and injury.

👀 ( 使若干條款無效及有權追回款項條款) clauses that render certain terms invalid and grant the right to recover payments also applied to other compulsory insurance e.g. marine third party insurance, building, Building Owners' Corporation Insurance and employee compensation insurance

Comprehensive Insurance

For all new vehicles, owners will purchase comprehensive insurance which almost every insurances look similar except its excess. Look at what it covers, some of it may raise your awareness...

💡 NCD Protection

Your e.g. 60% NCD will remain even after you file and made a claim (under certain amount or %). But that's ONLY your NCD, not your premium.

🙌 New vehicle replacement

Your new vehicle registration normally must be the same as manufacture year in order to enjoy this coverage for new vehicle replacement under first year if total loss or stolen.

🌁 Windscreen replacement

A small stone could hit through your vehicle windscreen like a bullet. That's why you should never drive behind a lorry or truck. You could avoid driving behind those dangerous scenarios but the branches could drop on your vehicle whether or not you are parking at the side. Your full coverage has a maximum claim amount for you to replace your windscreen.

📂Provide vehicle rental services

Upon stolen or total loss for some time, your vehicle insurance company may help you to pay a large % of the rental (with maximum amount each day and year). This is especially good coverage to those who needs to drive for transportation

🚨 Help you to chase after your paid excess

if it has judged that it is not your fault

💵 Exemption of third party assets excess

Under a certain age period with some driving experience. Although excess may only a few thousand, but it's better than none. 

Those above mentioned may not be covered by the comprehensive insurance depending on your insurance company. Even if it may not suit you, (better not able to use it), the purchase of insurance is for a backup plan in case something happened to protect yourself.

1) Probation license, 2 driving experience below, 25 years old and below, is it difficult to purchase vehicle insurance?

If you are purchasing second hand vehicle, there are still insurance companies who offer you with a high premium.

2) Why there is different premium in different insurance companies?

No idea. (to those with the same excess). But it is not necessary true that only one insurance company is the cheapest for all. One may be cheaper for a certain vehicle model while the other is cheaper for another model.


電動車輪胎. 一定是電動車唯一選擇嗎? Electric Vehicle tyres, is the best for EV ?


(English version below)

電動車越出越多, 電動車(EV)輪胎都越出越多. 買左部電車番黎玩左排, 被人sell 話要買番電動車輪胎先岩用? 還是自己覺得一定要用番同款先岩用?


🚗 電動車輪胎聲稱先岩用係電動車?

好多年前當 Tesla 係香港賣 Tesla Model S 個陣 (即當時100%免稅無上限), 所原配既輪胎係Michelin Pilot Sport 3/4 及 Pirelli Pzero. 並非 EV輪胎. 但當年既車主投拆既係輪胎損耗太快. 多年內, 好多 Tesla 車主都試過唔同牌子既普通呔, 雖然有啲牌子係比較耐用, 但最多都係用多幾個月至半年. 但直至現時電動車輪胎已經出現, Model S 車主都並非所有有意轉向 EV 呔. (岩岩最近有個客裝左黎試). 

Model 3 同 Y 出現後所原配既EV輪胎, 有啲人覺得好唔掂, 有啲人覺得冇乜野. 當年頭個班新車落地後仲即時換晒4條 普通輪胎. (最近兩年新車落地現時已經沒有呢個現象). 
所以唔存在, "電動車一定要裝電動車輪胎". 更唔存在 "一款輪胎只岩用一款車上"


以 255/45 R19 為例, 

原配Hankook 承重為 104
Kumho HP71 EV 呔承重為 104
賽輪 Erange EV  呔承重為 104
Falken FK510 承重為 104
Michelin PS4 SUV 承重為 100

普通呔有個係100 咪少左囉? 少左又係咪唔岩用? 先唔講計數 (都唔諗住係呢到講計數)
再睇下另一個尺寸, 255/40 R20 (都係裝係同一部車上)

原配 Michelin PS EV  呔承重為 101
賽輪 Erange EV  呔承重為 101

Falken FK520 承重為 101

唔想承重由高變底? 其實有冇咁大既需要先? 您部車又唔係van 仔.

其實香港輪胎市場雖然係細, 供應商拎貨自然唔會拎太多唔同款式番黎. 從而配合番現有香港汽車最底所需的承重.


按道理上應該係耐用過普通呔. 睇番美國U.T.Q.G 標準下按理上個受磨損程度都係高過一般輪胎. 無理由整左新款出黎最後結果都係一樣吧? 特別係條呔仲要貴過同牌子既其他款. 

耐用係首選既話, 應該係揀 EV 呔.
但價錢 > 耐用既話, 就一係揀 韓國EV 呔 (e.g. Kumho, Hankook)或 賽輪, 一係揀番普通呔. 
又要想耐用要EV呔, 又要想用大牌子 米芝蓮, Yokohama, 石橋, 又要想價錢平到好似 大陸呔價錢咁, 港車北上係中國珠海裝中國製既輪胎一定岩您. 
(呢個係不爭的事實, . 當然都需要諗緊對應方法.) 

但耐用啲, 會有啲咩唔同? 以同尺寸 (255/45 R19) 睇, 
PS EV 好似真係令耗電量減底, 岩晒EV車. 

Michelin PS4 SUV , 濕地性能係 A 級, 相反
Michelin PS EV 濕地性能係 B 級. 

之後某啲EV車主 又會諗, 想要耐用, 又想要安全, 又想要咬地. 一定係 Michelin 唔好. 
有冇資料可以比較其他同牌子? 我搵唔到. 但肯定唔會有, 要耐用, 要靜, 要咬地, 要安全, 要濕地好, (仲要平). 

我個人認為安全係司機能夠控制的問題是並非只是輪胎. 您睇下意外發生既詳細就可以了解更多.


睇番上面兩個 PS EV vs PS4 SUV, 兩者既嘈音都係B 級水平. 不過 PS EV 大部分都有配有靜音綿, 正常行駛下通常有靜音綿都係靜過 PS4 SUV, 呢個係不能夠以歐盟標籤去分出EV呔係咪同普通呔一樣靜. 但如果兩者之間都冇靜音綿的話, 就說得通兩者之間一樣聲音.

但並非所有電動車呔都配有靜音綿. 即使輪胎有標記為 T0, T1 等(以表示該輪胎專給予tesla車用), 都未必有靜音綿. 
靜音綿係電動車輪胎未出之前已經一早配係普通輪胎. 當中包括舊款的Tesla Model S 及 其中一款(?) Benz. 
(可以睇本人既實驗: https://tyrehood.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-sound-proof-tire-does-it-really.html )

又係個句: . 冇啦. 您個朋友話呢款呔好, 個款呔好, 但最後渣個部車都係您自己. 你朋友話 Michelin Pilot Sport 5 好咬地, 岩您. 但你其實需要既係俾到長途舒適及靜既 Michelin Primacy 4 +

買錯呔裝左好差性能咁點算? 輪胎市場永遠都係一分錢一分貨. Michelin 係貴但一定俾到足夠信心. 韓國Kumho, 或中國牌子賽輪係平, 但唔一定差. 可能您的技術根本唔需要咁高要求買貴呔.



(English version below)

More varieties of Electric Vehicle coming up, more Electriv Vehicle (EV) tyre appears as well. You got a EV, and was told that only EV tyre is suitable for your vehicle? Or you believe that the same model as Originally Equipped (OE) should be the best?

Let's find out more about electric vehicle tyres....

🚗 Electric vehicle tyres is only suitable for EV?

Some years ago when Tesla sold its Tesla Model S in Hong Kong (100% tax exemption without limit), its OE is Michelin Pilot 3/4 and Pirelli Pzero, not EV tyre. Many complaints about its durability, and change to different tyre models. Some models are more durable, but none can go extra more than a year.
With EV tyres are more common now, Model S vehicle owners are still keeping their normal tyres on them. (just recently got one started to try out)

With the release of Model 3 and Y OE with EV tyres, some dislike and quickly replaced all four to normal tyres. (but these years do not see such batch of people replacing all 4 tyres when they get their v ehicles)

Hence, "EV must install EV tyres" does not hold water. so as "one tyre model only suitable for one vehicle model"

🔱 Only EV tyres can support EV
In the instance of 255/45 R19

EV tyre
Original Equipped Hankook loading index is 104
Kumho HP71 EV loading index is  104
賽輪 Erange EV  loading index is 104

Normal tyre
Falken FK510 loading index is  104
Michelin PS4 SUV loading index is  100

One of the normal tyre loading index is 100. Less than 104 does it mean it is not suitable to install? Let's look at another size which is also original equipped with the same vehicle. (No calculation will be mentioned in this article)

EV tyre
Original Equipped Michelin PS EV  loading index is 101
Sailun Erange EV loading index is 101

Falken FK520 loading index is 101

You don't want the loading index of the tyre lower than your original equipped one? Think about it, do you really need that much loading. Your vehicle is not a van.

In fact, the Hong Kong tyre market is too small such that suppliers will not import too many varieties models, which in turn only import tyres that suits Hong Kong vehicles.

📊EV tyre is more durable than normal tyre?

Theoretically speaking it is MORE durable than normal tyres. Refer to the U.S. U.T.Q.G standard, its treadwear is higher than normal tyres. Afterall, EV tyre is more expensive than normal tyre, it should should have something special about it.

For durability, EV tyre should be the first choice.
But price > durability, that will be either made in Korea Kumho, Hankook, or Made in China Sailun , or normal tyres.
But you want durable EV tyres and still want top few brands and its price must be as low as China brand tyres. You should go China to change made in China tyres via NorthBound travel.
(This is an understatement that China market products are way cheaper than Hong Kong market, which require a better strategy to compete with them. )

With the same size 255/45 R19, 
PS EV is not just durable, but also EV efficient. very suitable for EV.

Michelin PS4 SUV , wet performance is A, against
Michelin PS EV wet performance is B

EV tyre wet performance is lower than normal tyre?
There comes the thinking that someone will want more durable, safety, high traction. It must be Michelin is not up to your standard.

I couldn't find more information about other brands with different models comparison. However, it will not have "durable, quiet, high traction, safe and wet performance must be good." (and must be cheap.)

In addition, I believe safety is controlled by the driver rather than the tyres nowadays. Look at the accident details and you will know why.

🌐EV tyre is quieter than normal tyres?

Look at the above comparison between PS EV and PS4 SUV, both are ranked at B Db level. But most PS EV contains acoustic cotton that makes PS EV low noise than PS4 SUV. This cannot be determined by EU label. However, if both are without acuostic cotton, judging from the EU label both models should be about the same noise level.

Yet, not all EV tyres come with acoustic cotton. Even if tires are marked T0, T1 etc (which indicates it is approved for Tesla equipped) are not necessarily mean they have acoustic cotton.

Acoustic cotton appeared in the market way before the release of EV tyres. The tesla model s (those old models), and one of the models for Benz, their OE tyres are with Acoustic cotton.
(check out my DIY : https://tyrehood.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-sound-proof-tire-does-it-really.html )

which model is suitable for my EV?
Still the same, "try". Your friend told you that this model is good. But you are the one who drives on the road. Your friend told you to use Michelin Pilot Sport 5 with very good traction. It suits you. But you actually need a Michelin Primacy 4+ that offers you comfort and silent in a long journey.

Afraid of purchasing the wrong model? In the tyre industry, price determines its performance. Michelin is expensive but it surely can offer you absolute confidence. Korea brand e.g. Kumho, or China brand like Sailun might have low price, but this does not mean it has bad performance. Afterall, your skill does not necessarily mean you need to purchase a top brand for your requirement.


影響汽車保險保費的因素 Factors affecting the premium of vehicle insurance

 English version scroll down to bottom

唔同既保險公司, 有唔同既收費. 唔同既因素下都有影響到保費的上下調整. 想保費平啲, 其實只係得一樣野可以做, 轉保險公司 (有機會自負額高左, 又有可能再底啲又平啲). 

保費計算, 其中涉及的

1) 車款, 2) 出廠年份, 3) 職業, 4)NCD (aka NCB)

🚗當中的車款, 特別係出廠年份, 先令保費比較貴的主因.

當一部車踏入某啲年份開始, 大部分的第三者保費開始慢慢加價. 某部分既車, 車齡10幾年以上, 每年既升幅更高達 10%. 

🔆 大部分職業對於保費並沒有特別既調整. 

但有一部分既職業就有影響. 當中包括車房/車行, 保安業, 無業. 而仲係學生就更加貴. 視車款而定, 可能有啲車貴多幾百, 但又唔會足而令到成個保費以千聲咁加上去.

🔯 NCD/NCB (No Claim Discount/Bonus) 

每年唔都有拆扣直到去到60%. 呢個其實對於舊年份既車黎講只係用黎 offset 左每年既保費升幅. 例如2009年既一部Toyota Sienta, 今年2024年保費大約 $3700幾 (30% NCD), 出年2025年保費預計大約 $3700幾 (40% NCD). 

📬係申請投保既過程, 當中兩個問題會問到投保人是否曾經係過去某啲年份做過索償(被第三者申索), 及是否曾違例扣分、觸犯交通規則或被警方起訴.

如果中左其中一樣, 您就gg啦. 先唔講保費NCD會由 60% 去到 30%, 就連下一次是否可以續保都成問題. 保險公司會認為該投保人既風險大左, 決定加大保費或拒絕續保. 拒絕續保的話, 轉投保公司更加困難, 通常絕大部分都會拒絕承保. 

所以, 如果作為車主既您, 借車俾朋友的話, 您都深相佢係一個非常了得既渣車技術. 🍻


Different insurance company have slightly difference in vehicle insurance premium, with different factors affecting the cost. The only thing that you can do to reduce the premium possibly only change to another insurance firm (with possibly higher excess, but might have a chance to get a lower excess).

Calculation of premium involve (but not limited to)

1) Vehicle Model, 2) Manufacture Year, 3) Job/industry, 4)NCD (aka NCB)

🚗Vehicle models, especially manufacture year, is the main cause of the premium factors.

After a vehicle entered a specific age, most of cost (for third party) will start to increase. For specific vehicle with 10 something years-old, the increase could be as high as 10% of the last payment.

🔆 Most job/industry do not have special adjustment on the premium

But, some specific jobs like garage, security, and/or without jobs normally affect a slight increase in the cost. Student is possibly the most expensive of all. Depending on the vehicle model, these jobs could cause a hundred, or a few hundred HKD increase.

🔯 NCD/NCB (No Claim Discount/Bonus) 

NCD offers a great discount but not for vehicles with 10 something years of history since manufactured. Any increase in NCD in this case simply offset any increase in % next year. An example of a Toyota Sienta 2009 third party insurance fee is around HK$3700 something (with 30% NCD) this year 2024, and predict to be the same price in 2025 (with 40% NCD)

📬Upon filling the application for vehicle insurance, there are two sections involved if the applicant had file a claim , or whether he/she has violated any traffic rules, under prosecution, and/or license points deducted over the past few years.

If you fall into even one of these categories, you are screwed. It's not about dropping the 60% NCD to 30%, but whether you can still continue the insurance for the next year. Most insurance companies do not want these hot potato as they are considered high risk. If you received a reject letter, you most likely won't find any other insurance firm to accept your application.

Hence, if you always lend your vehicle to friends/relatives, you should believe in his trusted skills 🍻


前軸隱藏問題 Front Axle Hidden Issue

 不論您係新手上路, 還是渣左幾十年既車主, 總會有至少一次機會一定預到一個看似好細問題但可能好難解決既問題 - "行車時部車震".

震既強度可以係由好輕微至到好強烈, 而通常建議第一樣要做既, 就係 "戥呔".
因為係最快同最平去西走其中一個可能性. 不過今次唔詳細探討.
今次重點係, 如果您部車冇任何症狀但其實有啲野已經係爛左要換?
You feel a slight, if not, more than a bit vibration when you are driving, whether in a straight line or turning/cornering. The very first thing you are advised to do is get your wheels balanced.
Of course, it is the fastest and cheapest to eliminate the very FIRST possibility that cause your vehicle to vibrate uncomfortably, but I am not going in detail for this time.
Here is the main question, what if your vehicle does not show any symptoms but there is a part in your vehicle that needs to be changed? Here it is as depicted in the picture. I managed to assist the owner to nip the hidden issue in the bud.
*I am not a repair technician
**Though I purposely help my customer to look at it
***To be precise, my Tyrehood customers.

呔盤油漏油 Power steering oil leak

 有時得閒打開個車頭蓋望下, 會有意想不到既"驚喜". 唔一定要等到年檢先要睇下部車. 到時可能太遲

Get a look of your vehicle if you have the time. You may receive a "gift" from your beloved vehicle (possibly). Dun wait for your annual inspection to get it checked, it maybe too late.
*I am not a vehicle repair technician
**I just happed to look at my customer vehicle
***Just passed by.


Adaptable Tyre Pressure Monitoring System Sensors (Substitute for Original TPMS)

Since 2007, the U.S is the first to implement the law that all vehicles must be equipped with Tire Pressure Monitoring System. The warning signal pops up at your dashboard if tyre(s) is/are below a certain percentage of the vehicle recommended psi. Vehicle must either installed with the pressure sensor or equipped with other tools/programs in order to detect tyre pressure issues.  

After 2012, the EU, South Korea, and Japan also implemented similar law. Many recently manufacture vehicle including #KIA #Sorento #Hyundai #H1 are installed with TPMS. (Though it is an option for BMW and Mercedes Benz)

And in recent years (2020) China carry out similar law (and all vehicles must equip with TPMS sensors)

When the tyre pressure warning signal comes out and there is no leak for the four tyres, the TPMS sensors is the issue, and the cause of it is normally out of juice. Battery replacement for the sensor is out of option as the sensors are tightly glued. (I tried, and damaging the case of the sensors only to get the chips out, but glue back is a problem)

Recently found out that Original TPMS sensor cost (without installation)
Prosche Cayenne HK$1200
Kia Sorento around HK$150 - $450 (depends on the model)

(Two types of tyre nozzle available, one is rubber as depicted above, the other is metal)
(Only rubber type is available as at this moment. Metal one will be imported when more customers needed it)

The new product here in Tyrehood is the adaptable TPMS sensors suitable for most of the vehicles types. The promotion price is $100 - $150 per sensor. (price will increase in the future. Updated price will reflect on Tyrehood website ONLY)

You can choose which sensor to be replaced, or let me check which sensors needed to be replaced (I got the device to check)

1) Promotion price is only for existing Tyrehood customers purchased (from me) accumulate at least four tyres. Best if you are going to change tyres at the same time.
1a) Promotion can be transferred to relatives but they need to replace tyres at the same time.

2) 12 months warranty. No installation fee incurred if there is a sensor issue and require new replacement. (if sensor is damaged physically, it will not be covered). However, new replacement must be the same model sensor purchased from me. Otherwise, installation fee will incur if you bring your own TPMS sensor.

Terms and Conditions apply and will be updated to Tyrehood website in the future.

TPMS reset can be done through ECU as well but normally it does not need to be complicated.

I cannot guarantee how long can the sensor last. Although the seller has told me that it will last AT LEAST, Y years. (I got a few customers who purchased substitute TPMS for their peugot expert, and still using after 4 years). I believe it should last for a bit, and you can continue to come back for a routine inspection like always every year.

#Alfa-Romeo #Audi #E-tron #E-tronGT #Bentley #BMW #BYD #Citroen #Ferrari #Fiat #Ford #Honda #Hummer #Hyundai #H1 #Kona #Infiniti #Jaguar #Jeep #KIA #Niro #Soul #EV6 #Sorento #Sportage #Land-Rover #Defender #Discovery Sport #Range Rover #Range Rover Evoque #Lexus #Maserati #Maxus #Mazda #Mercedes #AMG #MG #MINI #Mitsubishi #Nissan #Peugeot #Expert #Polestar #Porsche #Cayenne #Taycan #Ssangyong #Subaru #Suzuki #Tesla #ModelX #Model3 #ModelS #Toyota #Volkswagen #Volvo #TPMS Tyre Pressure Monitor System #呔氣sensor #胎氣sensor #輪胎氣壓感應器 #替代原配氣壓感應器 #替代原裝氣壓感應器 #Tyrehood #呔酷


通用輪胎氣壓感應器 (替代原配氣壓感應器)


2007年後, 美國係第一個立法需要係每一部出產既新車都要配有輪胎氣壓感應器 (Tire Pressure Monitoring System). 當氣壓底於車廠的建議一定既百分比後就會錶版著呔氣燈顯示輪胎氣壓不足. 如果沒有氣壓感應器裝係呔上都要係車身裝置能識別到輪胎氣壓不足問題

其後於2012年及之後, 歐盟, 南韓及日本都相繼立法要求所有私家車都需要配有輪胎氣壓感應器. (所以係香港大部分的 #KIA 如 #Sorento #現代H1貨van 新車落地都會配有呔氣壓感應器. 但 #BMW 同 #Mercedes Benz 就不一定會配有(係香港), 係option野. 唔加落去就係車身自己感應番.


當氣壓燈一著, 但發現四條呔都冇漏氣時, 而您又配有輪胎氣壓感應器, 咁就肯定係個sensor 有問題. (一係冇電, 一係壞左. 但過去咁多年其實都係冇電, 冇電係換唔到電的. 我試過拆爛個殼拎到個晶片出黎但未換電前發現好難再痴番)

據說如果要裝番一粒既跟車同款既輪胎氣壓感應器, (未連安裝)
Prosche Cayenne HK$1200
Kia Sorento 好似由 HK$150 - $450 (型號不同價錢不同)

(有兩款不同, 呢款係膠喉咀, 另一款係金屬喉咀)
(現時暫時只有膠喉咀. 往後再有更多客戶需要會再番金屬喉咀)

今次新野係通用輪胎氣壓感應器. 適合大部分既車款使用. 現時試玩價 $100 - $150/粒.
可選擇更換幾多粒都得. 有機可測試邊一粒可以唔駛換住. 最新的價錢請到網站睇番


1) 試玩價暫時只限於現時 Tyrehood 客戶 (必須是經本人購買的) 已經至少積累購買四條輪胎. 最好係順便需要換呔時同時間更換.
1a) 可將優惠轉移俾親友但該車輛必須要同時間更換四條輪胎. (或至少更換該輪胎)

2) 感應器保養12個月. 其間因氣壓有問題需要全新更換, 不會另行收取安裝費. (感應器若表面有損毀或受破壞不受保養) .但更換的必須是本店購買的感應器, 否則所帶來的感應器需另行收取安裝費.

如有需要都會另外用機重置番sensor燈. 不過通常都唔駛用的.

至於玩到幾耐暫時仲係一個迷. 雖然賣家話左我知至少X 年 (另有其他客係4年前都自帶左非原配sensor 換都仲用緊), 不過應該真係耐用既. 到時大家又要俾多樣野我check 啦每年. 


#Alfa-Romeo #Audi #E-tron #E-tronGT #Bentley #BMW #BYD #Citroen #Ferrari #Fiat #Ford #Honda #Hummer #Hyundai #H1 #Kona #Infiniti #Jaguar #Jeep #KIA #Niro #Soul #EV6 #Sorento #Sportage #Land-Rover #Defender #Discovery Sport #Range Rover #Range Rover Evoque #Lexus #Maserati #Maxus #Mazda #Mercedes #AMG #MG #MINI #Mitsubishi #Nissan #Peugeot #Expert #Polestar #Porsche #Cayenne #Taycan #Ssangyong #Subaru #Suzuki #Tesla #ModelX #Model3 #ModelS #Toyota #Volkswagen #Volvo #TPMS Tyre Pressure Monitor System #呔氣sensor #胎氣sensor #輪胎氣壓感應器 #替代原配氣壓感應器 #替代原裝氣壓感應器 #Tyrehood #呔酷