
迫力鉗噴漆 Brake Caliper Painting (DIY)

 **English version at the bottom of the page**

今日係 OBD2 project 一大突破. Depress 左成個月解決唔到既問題終於有啲眉目. 其實呢一大突破只係暫時搵到一個新方向. 希望之後會好順利.

為左係depress 其間冇咁depress, 我決定玩左一玩噴鉗.

今次實驗又係另一樣想試下到底噴完之後可以玩到幾耐. 下圖就係幾日前岩岩噴完既效果. 暫時未見有即時啡番既現象. 睇落我自己就覺得唔錯啦. 

噴鉗就好簡單, 買噴漆, 拆左個轆出黎之後再搵野包住個迫力碟再噴就搞點.

但所需時間就要長啲啦, (因為要等一等佢乾). 我就用左3個鐘頭左右先裝番個轆. 

等多一年左右, 再上載相睇睇一年後既效果. 



Finally manage to get a breakthrough in OBD2 project. Over the month I am at a state of depress, almost reaching the limit, and finally manage to get a new direction to proceed. Hope it is gonna to be smooth for the rest of the steps.

During the depression period, I decide to paint the brake caliper to relax a bit. 

This will be another experiment to find out how long can the coloring last after spraying to a different colour. (image below) It is the effect of painting after a few days. (It looks pretty great to me in my opinion)

Simply take out the wheel, cover up the brake disc, and spray the caliper. That's all you need to do. 

But it is the time to let it dry that eats your time. I waited for around 3 hours and install the wheel back.

Let's wait for another year to see how it will look like.

To be continued..............