The English version paragraph is after the Chinese version
每一次去到呢啲時間都係最辛苦既時間, 因為Year end processing 又黎了. 😭
好在較早前手痕又想試下啲野, 唔想用咁多錢但又想改下呔鈴, 用左最簡單既做法就係噴漆啦.
(因應尺寸及呔鈴款會有所改變) 4支噴漆 (for 呢個case, 其實最好係5支).
所需時間, 我實際上分開左4日去整. Sadly 我一直冇時間一次過搞. 如果綜合應該一次過搞既話會用到4個小時至少.
由於我係拆呔出黎噴鈴的, 所以都試左係第一次裝拆呔既情況下唔會因為車呔同呔鈴既磨擦而甩色. 當然我都幫過唔少客裝拆呔時, 發現有部分客拎左噴完既鈴黎裝呔, 一裝呔, 有一少部分呔鈴位就已經甩色. 係咪因為噴漆既問題, 定係手工既問題, 呢個我就冇data, 唔知啦.
噴完後到底可以last 幾耐呢? 其實我都唔知, 因為我都係岩岩玩左兩個月. 但我自己認為, 可以玩到至少一年既話, 其實已經好好. 您睇下出面有幾多車新買番黎既呔鈴, 可以玩到幾耐, 發現鈴面同鈴邊都花晒?
English version below
Every year at this period of time is the most cumbersome period due to year end processing
Earlier this year, I attempted to try something within a very small budget to change something about the car. So I decided to do some spraying to the rim, which is the easiest way to change the appearance.
(The number of spray varies according to rim size and style) I use 4 can of spray for this case. It is better to get 5 can of spray actually.
It took me four separate days to complete all the rims as I do not have much time to do it in one go. If I were to accumulate the timing, it will probably take at least 4 hours to spray all 4 rims simultaneously.
As I dismount the tyre to spray the rim, I have tested that the spray did not fall off or diminish upon mounting the tyre (as the tyre may rub off the spray upon contact with the rim side).
However, there were cases in which the spray indeed got rub off slightly by the tyre upon mounting when some of our customers brought their newly painted rim to our store to install the tyres. I am unsure if it is due to the spray quality, or the work done to the rim.
How long could it last? I dun know. This thing has been with me for 2 months now, and it still looks great. In my opinion, if it last for at least a year, it worths the price and time spent. Afterall, how many cars (did you see) which have their new rims installed, got stratches at the surface and at the side?
(Two months later)