(English version below)
開鋪後既一段時間, 其實一直都想試下一隻有"隔音棉"既呔. 想聽下係咪裝左之後真係冇咁嘈. 今次分享下自己整既 "隔音棉" 呔既效果.
開鋪後既一段時間, 其實一直都想試下一隻有"隔音棉"既呔. 想聽下係咪裝左之後真係冇咁嘈. 今次分享下自己整既 "隔音棉" 呔既效果.
呢隻呔有個特別名叫做Acoustic tire (米芝蓮既terms), 又或者係叫做 ContiSilent (馬牌既terms). 目的係行駛時將減底嘈音.
不過呢款呔係香港就只有Tesla 車同埋其中一款Benz 車既尺寸先有. 暫時見都只有米芝蓮同埋馬牌先有隔音棉. (唔知派拉利(Pirelli) 有冇係香港賣, 因為Pirelli 都有呢款隔音棉既呔). 個尺寸通常都係 R20 以上先有. 所以唔好問我有冇咩呔係連隔音棉. 係唔會有的, 除非係部分原裝Tesla 尺寸或個款 (我自己都唔記得係邊款) 既Benz model.
其實有部分Tesla 車主都唔知原來自已原先用緊既呔係有隔音棉.
因為自己唔係渣tesla, 所以大部分人都可能唔知有呢款呔既存在. 當然有隔音棉既呔一定係會貴過冇隔音棉既呔.
(有隔音棉既Tesla 原配呔 - 馬牌)
其實除左Michelin 同 Continental, Dunlop 都有係系列叫 Le Mans, (印象記得好似係同 LM704, LM705 係同一系列), 都有呢個隔音棉加左上去.
不過Dunlop 既呢款Le Mans V 既隔音棉呔就只有外國先有啦, 如日本, (仲好似只係得日本先有??) 系列入面仲有細既尺寸如 R16 都有隔音棉既存在. (不過得個知字, 因為香港都冇得買)
咁我又唔係渣Tesla, 又冇細既尺寸有隔音棉既, 我就試唔到..... 除左.... 自己整黎試.
1) Continental UltraContact 6, (uc6 modified) 自己加左隔音棉, 好似米芝蓮同馬牌個款咁.
2) Pirelli Cinturato P7, (p7c modified) 都係自己加左隔音棉
3) 最後就係原先用緊既Pirelli Contuarto P7, 冇加任何野
UC6 modified
p7c modified
Vehicle Model: Toyota Estima 2008
Driving Distance: Around 5.2km
Driving Time: Around 9 minutes
得出既結果係.... 唔係我自己想像中既靜. 當對比p7c modified 同埋原先冇做過任何野既p7c 去比較, 好似唔係太感覺到有咩特別. 兩者, UC6 modified 同 p7c modified 應該都有少少, 減底左嘈音但就唔係太明顯, 唔係太特別.
會唔會係有啲野我漏左? 定係因為隔音棉既物料問題?
記得下載手機apps Tyrehood Zone, 黎緊將會有更多新功能出現.
Since the opening of the store, I have always wanted to try our this soundproof tire to see if it really reduce the noise drastically. It's been a while since I share anything, so this time, I am going to share my testing on this soundproof tire.
This soundproof tire is also known as Acoustic tire (for Michelin), and some other terms such as ContiSilent for Continental. As the name tells, it is meant to make the journey less noisy.
But this type is only available for sizes that are originally equipped in Tesla model and one of the Benz model in the Hong Kong market, and only Michelin and Continental offers this soundproof tire. (I am unsure if Pirelli also offers this product in Hong Kong as I have not seen any of this model yet from Pirelli suppliers). For these sizes , they are mostly R20 and above. Hence, do not ask me for tires specially with soundproof technology equipped. They are not available for other vehicles. Even some of the Tesla owners are unaware of their original soundproof tire existence.
And of course, most drivers may not even know the existence of this technology because it is only available for mostly Tesla models. Tires with soundproof technology equipped are (of course) more expensive.
Additionally, one of the Dunlop models, Le Mans category (which are supposed to be the same category as LM704 and LM705 I believe?) also had this soundproof technology installed on it. But this type of tyre can only be found in oversea such as Japan (or maybe only Japan? I don't know). Even with smaller size tyre such as R16, they also have soundproof technology on it.
Since it is not available to smaller sizes, and I do not drive Tesla, so I couldn't try out the soundproof tire available in the market, except, I make my own to test it out.
I took two different models for testing,
1) Continental UltraContact 6, which I have modified to add the soundproof, the same as the original Michelin and Continental Acousitc tyre. (let's call it UC6 modified), and
2) Pirelli Cinturato P7, which I also have modified (let's call it p7c modified)
3) the original Pirelli Cintuarto P7 that I am using without any modification (let's call it original p7c)
(For both UC6 modified, p7c modified and original p7c)
Vehicle Model: Toyota Estima
Driving Distance: Around 5.2km
Driving Time: Around 9 minutes
And the result..... it is not as quiet as I expected it is, even when I compare the result of the p7c modified and my original p7c. There might be a slight quietness for both UC6 modified and p7c modified, but i do not feel anything special about it.
Will there be anything that I may have missed out? Or maybe because of the material?
But I am not ending this test yet, and share it again when I found something new.
A introduction to those who do not know what it is.
This soundproof tire is also known as Acoustic tire (for Michelin), and some other terms such as ContiSilent for Continental. As the name tells, it is meant to make the journey less noisy.
But this type is only available for sizes that are originally equipped in Tesla model and one of the Benz model in the Hong Kong market, and only Michelin and Continental offers this soundproof tire. (I am unsure if Pirelli also offers this product in Hong Kong as I have not seen any of this model yet from Pirelli suppliers). For these sizes , they are mostly R20 and above. Hence, do not ask me for tires specially with soundproof technology equipped. They are not available for other vehicles. Even some of the Tesla owners are unaware of their original soundproof tire existence.
And of course, most drivers may not even know the existence of this technology because it is only available for mostly Tesla models. Tires with soundproof technology equipped are (of course) more expensive.
(pic taken from Continental soundproof tire original equipped in Tesla)
Additionally, one of the Dunlop models, Le Mans category (which are supposed to be the same category as LM704 and LM705 I believe?) also had this soundproof technology installed on it. But this type of tyre can only be found in oversea such as Japan (or maybe only Japan? I don't know). Even with smaller size tyre such as R16, they also have soundproof technology on it.
Since it is not available to smaller sizes, and I do not drive Tesla, so I couldn't try out the soundproof tire available in the market, except, I make my own to test it out.
I took two different models for testing,
1) Continental UltraContact 6, which I have modified to add the soundproof, the same as the original Michelin and Continental Acousitc tyre. (let's call it UC6 modified), and
2) Pirelli Cinturato P7, which I also have modified (let's call it p7c modified)
3) the original Pirelli Cintuarto P7 that I am using without any modification (let's call it original p7c)
UC6 modified
p7c modified
(For both UC6 modified, p7c modified and original p7c)
Vehicle Model: Toyota Estima
Driving Distance: Around 5.2km
Driving Time: Around 9 minutes
And the result..... it is not as quiet as I expected it is, even when I compare the result of the p7c modified and my original p7c. There might be a slight quietness for both UC6 modified and p7c modified, but i do not feel anything special about it.
Will there be anything that I may have missed out? Or maybe because of the material?
But I am not ending this test yet, and share it again when I found something new.
Remember to download our Tyrehood Zone apps, more new stuff coming up soon.