(English version at the bottom)
個人覺得, 用行貨貼紙做識別始終都唔夠準, 最好就係寫埋張收據証明埋條呔係行貨咁就冇問題啦.
所謂行貨, 其實同出面大部分商業行業一樣, 係該牌子公司給予另一間公司成為代表佢, 以佢既地位 批發輪胎. (即現時所講既 代理, 或總代理). 係汽車行業入面, 通常只有一間可以成為代理. 因為代理都只係代表佢背後既公司, 所以有啲決定權都不在於代理身上. 包括我地本應以為買行貨就會有既保養.
行貨 水貨
Toyo 東洋, 行貨水貨分別
行貨 水貨
部分牌子, 如 建大 Kenda 暫時, 或者都唔會有水貨既出現
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小弟將之前既 行貨 vs 水貨 既 post 刪左, 想將佢compile 埋一齊放落同一個位到.
其實小弟仲有樣野係冇講到出黎有關行貨同水貨呔, 而我暫時唔會講住的. 等遲的差唔多時候就會講俾大家知嫁啦.
Official Imported
Tyre Tyre
Continental Tyre
*Terms and conditions apply. Please enquire Tyrehood or the sole agent for more information
The following link directs you to the post where I talked about the 180 days warranty
Falken tire
5th Feb, 2020 Update:
Some sizes of falken tire parllel imported are available in the market.
Pirelli tire

呢個牌子係目前我分唔出到底行貨定係水貨. 因為行貨冇總代理標籤, 而水貨又有車呔規格標籤. 呢個就自己問呔鋪啦. 不過就算問左, 都可以俾水貨而自己唔知.
*The warranty calculation is actually the same as those oversea (such as Australia and U.S). It's base on the kilometer that you have used the tire, and pay the partial amount of fees to purchase a new Dunlop tire if the old one accidentally torn apart. There is a distinct difference between Dunlop warranty and Continental warranty
Yokohama tire

Authorized official Yokohama tire
Bridgestone tire

All listed products in our official webpage, https://www.tyrehood.com/en are authorized official tyres. If you are interested in purchasing parallel imported tyre, please enquire for information.
Parallel imported tyres price are not available (for the moment perhaps)
How about other brands such as Kenda, Federal? I don't think there will be parallel imported tyres for these brands. But I will keep myself updated and update the post.
水貨輪胎, 並非假輪胎. 同樣都是同一公司製造廠製造. 製造輪胎成本係非常貴. 所以無可能會有人舍得出超過一千萬本金去製造假輪胎. 未經該牌子批准該公司發售所以叫水貨. 概然唔批準, 點解幾十年來, 都仲有水貨輪胎的存在? 呢個就俾大家去考量下.
水貨呔製造地點有時與行貨可能不一樣. 如, 行水貨製造地點都是歐洲製. 但行貨可能是法國製, 水貨可能是墨西哥製, 反之亦然.
現時行貨有額外保養牌子: 馬牌 Continental, 石橋 Bridgestone, Dunlop, Goodyear
其他牌子既保養為品質保養. 即落左地後可能第一日就見呔紋位置隆起. 但檢驗及最後決定權係總代理手上. 並沒有提及呢啲保養係幾耐. Kenda 建大就有12個月.
近日水貨電器懷疑出現假貨, 可能又令到唔少人對於水貨輪胎產生左會唔會有假貨. 所以我決定幫大家搵一搵過去事件, 除左有一單好似睇落似係假貨但其實係有關於個牌子模具懷疑被間廠用左, 其他所有都係有關用相似牌子名稱及抄襲呔紋.
1) 北美米芝蓮告 Tri-Ace 抄襲其品牌 BFGoodrich 呔紋
2) 東洋(Toyo) 告 Toyama 抄襲其品牌名稱 (商標)
3) 石橋 (Bridgestone) 告 模仿其商標 "Bridgestone" (呢單係中國判石橋嬴)
4)Pegasus Advanta SUV 並非由獲授權的廠商製造 (說是模具被偷) [過往曾經是獲授權的廠商]
仲有更多, 但都係模仿牌子名, 抄呔紋設計. 反而呢啲係香港都有時候見唔少, 但肯定唔係假冒牌子或假輪胎.
另外我更肯定, 香港9成車主買呔都唔知有分行同水貨. 二手車買番黎更加冇可能判斷到是否行貨/水貨.
Michelin 行水貨呔分別
行貨 水貨
(歐洲係2012年11月既時候要求廠商係歐洲銷售既車胎貼上標籤, 香港就暫時未有呢個要求)
*發現水貨呔既歐盟標籤係可以另外拆出黎. 當買呔時見到又係歐洲制, 又有輪呔規格標籤但係冇歐盟標籤, 咁就要睇埋代理標籤
注: 歐洲制既呔並非一定係行貨
如果唔知自己買左係行貨定水貨 Michelin 米芝蓮輪胎, 可以去番 米芝蓮 官網到查詢一下, 睇下佢地幫唔幫到您.
搵唔到個中文, 可能大家試下直接打個電話問問
*發現水貨呔既歐盟標籤係可以另外拆出黎. 當買呔時見到又係歐洲制, 又有輪呔規格標籤但係冇歐盟標籤, 咁就要睇埋代理標籤
注: 歐洲制既呔並非一定係行貨
如果唔知自己買左係行貨定水貨 Michelin 米芝蓮輪胎, 可以去番 米芝蓮 官網到查詢一下, 睇下佢地幫唔幫到您.
搵唔到個中文, 可能大家試下直接打個電話問問
因為好多年前曾經有一個人問佢係另一間呔鋪裝Michelin 唔知係咪行貨, send 左張相想我幫佢確認. 其實點解唔直接問個代理最直接?
其實如果唔信間呔鋪, 一開始就唔好幫襯. 因為一開始您都唔信, 之後所講既野您都唔會聽得入耳. 買左個擔憂番黎行幾年, 又何必呢?
Toyo 東洋, 行貨水貨分別
有機會比水貨平, 視款色已定
Continental 馬牌, 行貨水貨分別
行貨 水貨
*保養受條款約束, 需另外查詢詳情
Falken 飛勁, 行貨水貨分別
行貨 水貨
其實小弟暫時未見過Falken 有水貨. 不過佢貼得呢個標籤, 都可能因為出面市場有水貨呔.
已經搵到有部分尺寸有水貨Falken, 請各位自行留意
Pirelli 陪耐力, 派拉利 (或部分人會叫法拉利), 行貨水貨分別

行貨 水貨
**暫時賣出既Pirelli 行貨都係有歐盟標籤
*** 暫時賣出既Pirelli 水貨都係冇歐盟標籤.
呢個牌子係目前我分唔出到底行貨定係水貨. 因為行貨冇總代理標籤, 而水貨又有車呔規格標籤. 呢個就自己問呔鋪啦. 不過就算問左, 都可以俾水貨而自己唔知.
Dunlop 行貨
行貨 水貨
*保養個計法同外國既保養一樣, 係補差價買番條新呔, 同馬牌既保養完全唔同, 唔好混亂左兩者既保養
呢個都係另一個唔係點分得出行貨同水貨. 又係冇總代理標籤. 不過暫時見過既係車呔規格標籤會同代理既有所不同.
Continental 馬牌, 行貨水貨分別
行貨 水貨
通常較貴, 並非最新年份呔可能較平過水貨
通常較平, 並非最新年份呔可能貴過行貨
於2018年6月起, 所有馬牌行貨都會有180日保養*
*保養受條款約束, 需另外查詢詳情
Falken 飛勁, 行貨水貨分別
行貨 水貨
已經搵到有部分尺寸有水貨Falken, 請各位自行留意
Pirelli 陪耐力, 派拉利 (或部分人會叫法拉利), 行貨水貨分別

行貨 水貨
歐洲呔規格標籤通常都有歐盟標籤 |
行貨 水貨
但都有部分冇總代理標籤 |
*保養個計法同外國既保養一樣, 係補差價買番條新呔, 同馬牌既保養完全唔同, 唔好混亂左兩者既保養
於2021年7月, 新一批的Yokohama 輪胎陸續都會有行貨標籤
行貨 水貨
貼上行貨總代理標籤 | 沒有行貨總代理標籤 |
貼上車呔規格標籤 | 部分車呔沒有車呔規格標籤 |
石橋 Bridgestone, 行貨水貨分別

行貨 水貨
所有係 https://www.tyrehood.com 既網站上所見既呔, 都係行貨. 如果想查詢水貨的話, 記得要另外再問問. 暫時都未有發佈水貨既價錢
石橋 Bridgestone, 行貨水貨分別

行貨 水貨
100日 總代理額外保養 | 沒有額外保養 |
所有係 https://www.tyrehood.com 既網站上所見既呔, 都係行貨. 如果想查詢水貨的話, 記得要另外再問問. 暫時都未有發佈水貨既價錢
部分牌子, 如 建大 Kenda 暫時, 或者都唔會有水貨既出現
Keep 住更新.......
小弟將之前既 行貨 vs 水貨 既 post 刪左, 想將佢compile 埋一齊放落同一個位到.
There is a Chinese version of this post, and I realize that I should have made the English version for this as well such that the English speaking Hong Kong residents are aware of the authorized official tyre as compared to parallel imported tyre (aka grey market products) in the current Hong Kong market.
There are more than 20 different brands in Hong Kong, and I will try to update with photos as much as possible.
There are more than 20 different brands in Hong Kong, and I will try to update with photos as much as possible.
I personally advise car owners / drivers to request a receipt, stating that the tyre is authorized official tyre to ensure the product information. Simply using the photos as depicted below where sole agent paste the label does not help a lot in the differentiation.
(28th Nov, 2024 Update):
Authorized Official, just like any other commercial industry, refers to the authorization of that particular (brand) company given to the agent to represent on behalf of them, and in which supply/sell that brand. (normally known as Sole Agent in the tyre industry). Because of that, not all decision can be made by the sole agent, including the "warranty" that we believe we expected to have after purchasing the Authorized Official.
Parallel Imported tire, is not counterfeit tire. Those are manufactured from the exact same factory. It's impossible to counterfeit a tire as the cost of production is extremely high. Without authorization of selling the product is aka parallel imported goods. Since it is not authorized, why such goods can still be sold in the market for more than 5 decades?
Parallel imported tire manufacture place sometimes is different from the authorized official. Both side may manufacture in Europe, but might be in different places. The Authorized one could be in France, and the parallel imported could be in Mexico, or vice versa.
Authorized Official brands that let you enjoy "extra" warranty include: Continental , Bridgestone, Dunlop, Goodyear.
Other brands are quality warranty, in which cases like the new installed tyre have a bulb at the tread area on the first few days or so. (which happened to one or two China brands before). Inspection and final decisions lie on the hands of the sole agent. None mentioned about such warranty period. Only Kenda tyre had 12 months on it.
(23 Dec, 2024 update)
A recent parallel imported appeared to be counterfeit electronic products may raise some people awareness if it could happen on the tyre industry as well. Hence, I decided to find out any counterfeit tyre happens in the past, with only one that looks alike but not exactly counterfeit.
1) North America Michelin file lawsuit against Tri-Ace for copying BFGoodrich tread pattern design
2) Toyo file lawsuit against Toyama for copying trademark
3) Bridgestone file lawsuit against its similar trademark "Bridgestone" (in China)
4)Pegasus Advanta SUV was manufactured by an unauthorized manufacturer (tyre mold said to be stolden) [manufacturer was authorized in the past]
There are more cases like these only for copying or imitating the brand name or copying the tread pattern design. Tread pattern design looks really similar even with tyres sold in Hong Kong. But there are none that are counterfeited.
Besides, I can assure that most vehicle owners do not know there are authorized and parallel imported tyres. And it cannot be found out if the tyres are authorized or parallel imported when tyres are already installed and used.
Michelin Tire
Pictures depicting
Authorized ParallelOfficial Imported
Tyre Tyre
Hong Kong sole agent label is pasted on the tyre | There is no sole agent label on the tyre |
If tyre is made in Europe, there is no EU label | If tyre is made in Europe, there will be EU label * |
(Usually) More expensive than parallel imported goods | (Usually) Cheaper than authorized official goods |
*The EU label on the tyre can be taken out. It's still better to look at the sole agent label for verification of authorized official tyre
Note: All Made in Europe tyres are not necessarily authorized official tyre
If you have doubt about your Michelin tyre, check out the following link to contact the staff.
Toyo Tyre
Note: All Made in Europe tyres are not necessarily authorized official tyre
If you have doubt about your Michelin tyre, check out the following link to contact the staff.
(28 Nov, 2024 Update):
Some years back, a person who installed Michelin at another tyre store, send me an image to ask for verification if his installed tire is authorized official. Why not just ask Michelin HK directly?
If you do not trust that tire store at the first place, you should not patronize it. Your distrust will block any convincing reason. You bought a "worry" from the store and last for a few years. Why should you do that?
Toyo Tyre
Picture depicting authorized official tyre
Authorized Parallel
Official Imported
Tyre Tyre
Tyre specification label is normally pasted on the tyre | Some of the tyres may not have tyre speification label |
Only Made in Japan tyre is available since.... (I forgot) | A varieties of manufacturing places |
Price may be cheaper than parallel imported tyres, depending on the model and size | Maybe a little more expensive than authorized official tyre |
Continental Tyre
Picture depicting authorized official tyre
Authorized Parallel
Official Imported
Tyre Tyre
Sole agent label is pasted on the tyre | There is no sole agent label on the tyre |
Some of the tyres may have the Continental tire label (that states CONTINENTAL SINCE 1871) | Not confirmed if the tyres may have the Continental tire label too |
(Usually) More expensive than parallel imported tyre. Some tyres with older manufacturing date could be cheaper than parallel imported tyre (that's with the same year) | (Usually) Cheaper than authorized official tyre. |
Since June, 2018, all continental tires (for private vehicle) will have 180 days warranty* | No Warranty |
*Terms and conditions apply. Please enquire Tyrehood or the sole agent for more information
The following link directs you to the post where I talked about the 180 days warranty
Falken tire
Picture depicting authorized official tyre
Authorized Parallel
Official Imported
Tyre Tyre
Sole agent label is pasted on the tyre | there is no sole agent label |
5th Feb, 2020 Update:
Some sizes of falken tire parllel imported are available in the market.
Pirelli tire

Authorized Parallel
Official Imported
Tyre Tyre
Sole agent label is pasted on the tyre | there is no sole agent label |
Most of the tyres' manufacturing places are made in Europe | All the tires are made in Europe* |
Tyres that are made in europe will have the EU label pasted on the tyre** | Some of the tires may not have EU label*** |
*I think so...
**All pirelli authorized official tyres have the EU label pasted (so far that we have sold off)
*** There is no EU label on the tire for those that we have sold (so far)
Authorized Parallel
Official Imported
Tyre Tyre
Sole agent label is pasted on the tire | There is no sole agent label on the tire |
12 months warranty (if I remembered correctly) | No warranty |
*The warranty calculation is actually the same as those oversea (such as Australia and U.S). It's base on the kilometer that you have used the tire, and pay the partial amount of fees to purchase a new Dunlop tire if the old one accidentally torn apart. There is a distinct difference between Dunlop warranty and Continental warranty
Yokohama tire

Authorized official Yokohama tire
Bridgestone tire

Authorized Parallel
Official Imported
Tyre Tyre
Sole agent label is pasted on the tire | there is no sole agent label on the tire |
all tires have the specification label | some may not have specification label |
100日 sole agent warranty | no warranty |
All listed products in our official webpage, https://www.tyrehood.com/en are authorized official tyres. If you are interested in purchasing parallel imported tyre, please enquire for information.
Parallel imported tyres price are not available (for the moment perhaps)
How about other brands such as Kenda, Federal? I don't think there will be parallel imported tyres for these brands. But I will keep myself updated and update the post.