
打呔氣 Tyre Air Pressure - part I

平時有客問, 打幾多氣落條呔先岩呢? 我發現冇乜人會同大家講, 其實係司機位有個標籤, 個到有寫到要打幾多先係最岩部車既呔氣既.

好似呢部 Honda Civic 1.8 i-vtec 就寫住 前呔係220 (kPa), 或者係 2.2kgf/cm square 或者係 32psi.
通常會用到既單位都係 psi, 係油站應該會見到kPa 或者 psi 的. 所以跟住呢個打呔氣實冇死.
唔係架架車都寫psi 的, 有的只係寫左kPa, 所以如果大家睇慣左psi 既話, 就要自己轉番做psi 啦.

如果自己部車本身有sensor 既, 不妨都可以用到呢個做指標, 如果明明打足佢寫既psi 都話有問題, 咁就一係個sensor 問題, 一係就用個個儀器有問題了. 反正就係可以再用另一個儀器再睇, narrow down 到可能真係個sensor 問題既話, 就會係一係set 錯psi, 一係就有壞左.

另外標籤有寫上原裝呔既尺寸, 如果買車既時候見到條呔同呢個標籤有出入, 就一定係改過size 的了.

English Version
How much air pressure is considered sufficient for your tyre? Well, I discovered that not much people will tell you about the label at your driver's seat door. Actually, the label will tell you what's the best air pressure for your car.

In the case of Honda Civic 1.8 i-vtec below, it stated 220 (kPa) or 2.2kgf/cm square , or 32psi. Normally we used psi as unit to pump air, and you should find both kPa and psi units when you pump air at the petrol station. Following the label shown, you will definitely know how much air should pump in.

Not all cars label are created equal (of course). Therefore, if your find your the label only show one unit, (and you are not accustomed to that unit), you will have to convert the unit for yourself.

You can also check your car tyre sensor (if you have one) by using the label air pressure as standard. Since it's the air pressure suggested by the manufacturer. If you have pumped the air pressure standard suggested and yet the sensor still shows there is something wrong with your tyre, then it's either there's fault in the sensor, or the equipment that you used to pump air. Either way, you should be able to find out for yourself.

The label also stated the original tyre size for your car. Therefore, if you find the tyre size is different, well, you know what it means.


