
換呔既你, 唧車要小心

上個月發生左次意外, 令到初入行既我都覺得可怕. 做呢行真係要好小心. 就算係車主 / 司機 / 係幫人地換呔既你都要小心.

上個月既頭條新聞, (下面條link), 就講到因為個車唧移位, 俾架車夾住左車底.

睇完之後, 即時心諗WTF, 好可怕.

通常私家車用開既類似呢隻, 唧起車門個邊位, 就算移位趺落黎都唔會整到自己. 但係who knows 可能需要落車底執番個呔芯? 或者係個screw? 


(Englier version)

There was an accident last month that triggered my fear to work in the tyre industry. Even if it's not in the tyre industry, whether you are a driver / car owner / other person that is helping someone (maybe a pretty girl? ) to change the tyre , really got to be careful.

A news article in the stheadline mentioned that a person passed away due to the improper use of car jack, which incidentally causing the car to drop and he was hit at the underneath of the car 


Normally using the above car jack should be safe enough even if the car drops in mid way since it's placed at the car door there. But who knows? you may need to get down to the car underneath to get the screw or some other things that require you to put the spare tyre?

Well, afterall, just to be extra careful in changing your car tyre


