(English version below)
對於部分車主購買 第三者保險首選都係為左平為主.
基本上大部分既汽車保險, 除左政府要求的 "強制性" 對於第三者的死亡和受傷的法律責任最低要求的保險金額外, 通常都包括埋 第三者財產損失.
唯一注意就係購買時既第三者財產墊底費, 會唔會只係差少少既保費, 就享受到底啲既墊底費?
不過今次再講多啲有關 "強制性" 呢樣野.
強制性 (法例要求你買個保險先可以係合法使用車輛), 基於 - 使若干條款無效及有權追回款項條款, 保險合同中的條款可能會被視為無效. 即係出左意外都一定要賠 (對於第三者的死亡和受傷). 但後面個句 "有權追回款項條款" 代表住保險公司係可以追回已支付的款項.
乜野情況下會令到保險公司追番投保人/當時人? 除左個啲詐騙, 隱瞞重要事實外, 仲有係違反法律條款. 例如更換左唔岩裝係部車既輪胎 (特別係講緊輕型貨車), 就有機會被保險公司追討
部分輕型貨車車主都會更換呔鈴並安裝私家車輪胎, 但市面上並非所有私家車輪胎都岩裝. Hiace 200, 換左呔鈴. 但改還改, 都唔好裝條唔岩輕型貨車既輪胎吧? 望真啲睇下用緊咩呔?
215/50 R17 95W Sailun Atrezzo ZSR.
💣95承重 (承重 690kg), 你連部車既淨重量都負重唔到. 出現任何意外, 就算唔係你錯, 點都會怪罪於部車裝左不合規格輪胎.
🙈係呢個情況下, 如果駕駛呢部車既當事人發生意外被第三者索償, 除左好大機會都一定被拒絕理賠財物, 更有機會被自己投保的保險公司追討番第三者的死亡和受傷賠償.
👀除了汽車第三者保險外, 其他強制性保險包括 船隻責任保險, 大廈法團保險及僱員補償保險都適用於 "使若干條款無效及有權追回款項條款".
綜合保險 (全保)
新車一定買全保. 又係間間都大同小異. 除左又係墊底費之外, 當中其實值得留意既地方:
💡 無賠償折扣還原保障 (NCD Protection)
條款通常例明受保期間總額不超過某數額或汽車市值的某個%(以最底為準), 並保留您既 e.g. 60%NCD .... 係保留您既 NCD, 唔係保留您既保費.
通常係首次登記一年內, (有啲可能係必須 製造年份與首次登記年份相同), 係完全損毀或被盜竊後可以有一部全新車賠償.
有冇聽過一粒石仔打中您塊擋風玻璃就有機會出現好似子彈咁既撞擊. 所以從來都唔好係大車後面行駛. 但係避到行車避唔到您泊左部車係樹下跌左大樹枝落黎. 全保通常有最高賠償金額俾您去更換擋風玻璃
部車被人偷左或全損唔用得 超過某時間, 保險公司會提供代用車(支付某%租金). (設有每日及每年最高賠償). 有時對於一定要用車番工放工既人, 減底左個支出.
🚨 幫您追討墊底費
💵 豁免第三者財物墊底費
係某年齡層內 (加埋 X年既駕駛經驗以上). 雖然有啲墊底費都只係幾千, 但都好過冇. (雖則有啲車款全保都要過萬)
可能唔係間間都有晒以上所有野. 但未必所有野都岩您用. 當然最好用唔著. 買保險都只係為左留條後路俾自己. 就算唔係自己錯, 至少都可以保到自己.
1) P牌, 駕駛經驗 2年以下 , 25歲以下 係咪好難買?
二手車黎講應該係比較難搵到但都實會有保險公司肯俾您投保. 有時咁岩您買既個部車保費都可能唔貴.
2) 點解唔同保險公司會有唔同保費?
我都唔知點解. (講緊如果相同墊底費同保額). 但並非一定只有一間保險公司先會係最平. e.g. 保險公司 A 既 BMW 保費係最平, 但保險公司B 既 Tesla 保費係平過保險公司A.
Third Party Insurance
Purchasing third party insurance, for some, may opt for the cheapest one.
Vehicle insurance basically include "compulsory" third party death and injury legal liability minimum amount requirement, and third party assets loss. (which is not compulsory)
Important note on third party assets loss is the excess, which could probably just a small amount of difference in the insurance cost that could give you a lower excess.
This time, let's go into detail of "Compulsory"
Compulsory (the law require you to purchase insurance), due to ( 使若干條款無效及有權追回款項條款) clauses that render certain terms invalid and grant the right to recover payments. This implies the insurance company needs to pay the third party victim regardless of the terms in the contract. But the latter of the sentence give the insurance company the right to chase back the amount paid
Lying and not disclosing important information is definitely part of the conditions that the insurance company will chase back the amount. Violating certain law is also part of it, e.g. installing tyres that are not suitable for the vehicle (especially van), which may be part of the conditions.
Some van owners will change their rims and sizes, and install passenger vehicle tyres. However, not all passenger tyres are suitable. For this Hiace which has replaced its all four rims with unsuitable tyres. Zoom in and look what tyres it is using....
215/50 R17 95W Sailun Atrezzo ZSR.
💣With a load index of 95 (Able to support 690kg), it cannot even support your vehicle kerb weight. If any accident occurs, your tyres (which fail to meet the legal requirement) will be blamed for the cause even if it is not your fault.
🙈 In this case, insurance company most likely reject any claims on third party assets loss, and might chase after any amount it paid for the third party death and injury.
👀 ( 使若干條款無效及有權追回款項條款) clauses that render certain terms invalid and grant the right to recover payments also applied to other compulsory insurance e.g. marine third party insurance, building, Building Owners' Corporation Insurance and employee compensation insurance
Comprehensive Insurance
For all new vehicles, owners will purchase comprehensive insurance which almost every insurances look similar except its excess. Look at what it covers, some of it may raise your awareness...
💡 NCD Protection
Your e.g. 60% NCD will remain even after you file and made a claim (under certain amount or %). But that's ONLY your NCD, not your premium.
🙌 New vehicle replacement
Your new vehicle registration normally must be the same as manufacture year in order to enjoy this coverage for new vehicle replacement under first year if total loss or stolen.
🌁 Windscreen replacement
A small stone could hit through your vehicle windscreen like a bullet. That's why you should never drive behind a lorry or truck. You could avoid driving behind those dangerous scenarios but the branches could drop on your vehicle whether or not you are parking at the side. Your full coverage has a maximum claim amount for you to replace your windscreen.
📂Provide vehicle rental services
Upon stolen or total loss for some time, your vehicle insurance company may help you to pay a large % of the rental (with maximum amount each day and year). This is especially good coverage to those who needs to drive for transportation
🚨 Help you to chase after your paid excess
if it has judged that it is not your fault
💵 Exemption of third party assets excess
Under a certain age period with some driving experience. Although excess may only a few thousand, but it's better than none.
Those above mentioned may not be covered by the comprehensive insurance depending on your insurance company. Even if it may not suit you, (better not able to use it), the purchase of insurance is for a backup plan in case something happened to protect yourself.
1) Probation license, 2 driving experience below, 25 years old and below, is it difficult to purchase vehicle insurance?
If you are purchasing second hand vehicle, there are still insurance companies who offer you with a high premium.
2) Why there is different premium in different insurance companies?
No idea. (to those with the same excess). But it is not necessary true that only one insurance company is the cheapest for all. One may be cheaper for a certain vehicle model while the other is cheaper for another model.