不論您係新手上路, 還是渣左幾十年既車主, 總會有至少一次機會一定預到一個看似好細問題但可能好難解決既問題 - "行車時部車震".
呔. 電池. 配件既價錢, 請到 https://www.tyrehood.com 汽車保險, 勞保, MPF, 及其他個人保險如自願醫保等可另外查詢 5113 0668 個人保險牌照 JH7091, MPF牌照 156845 To find out more about tyre, car battery price https://www.tyrehood.com/en/index.php Vehicle Insurance, Employee Compensation Insurance, MPF, and other personal e.g. medical can be enquired: 5113 0668 Individual Insurance Agent License: JH7091, MPF Registration License: 156845 Tyrehood Zone mobile application (Android or iOS) is also available
前軸隱藏問題 Front Axle Hidden Issue
呔盤油漏油 Power steering oil leak
有時得閒打開個車頭蓋望下, 會有意想不到既"驚喜". 唔一定要等到年檢先要睇下部車. 到時可能太遲
Adaptable Tyre Pressure Monitoring System Sensors (Substitute for Original TPMS)
Since 2007, the U.S is the first to implement the law that all vehicles must be equipped with Tire Pressure Monitoring System. The warning signal pops up at your dashboard if tyre(s) is/are below a certain percentage of the vehicle recommended psi. Vehicle must either installed with the pressure sensor or equipped with other tools/programs in order to detect tyre pressure issues.
通用輪胎氣壓感應器 (替代原配氣壓感應器)
Battery Issues - the indicator shows REPLACED but battery is good 電池標記轉顏色
I rarely talk about automotive battery. The reason is my customers' batteries normally last for a long time. Only recently there are a few talking about how long that Solite battery can be used (and still using). And test data obtained mostly on Solite 🔋 as many other customers have already changed their vehicle.
You wanted a better battery for your vehicle so that you can better estimate your time to replace your battery (even if it is still working).
Years passed, there is no problem with checking the batteries (to those who needs to be replaced, and to those who can still continue using). But here comes the first of a issue, the indicator and the condition of the battery does not match. (headache) 😦
A week or two ago my customer came for a routine check. The indicator is white in color but the battery checking shows there is no problem. And it turns green after some adjustment done. ( and so I thought everything backs to normal)
I am wrong. My customer checked the battery yesterday and the indicator turns red. (indicating that the battery needs to be replaced) He also reported that the vehicle crank up fine.
一至兩星期前曾經幫過一個客檢查電池, 當時電池標記住係白色. 做左啲手腳之後又變番綠色. 再檢查多次粒電池又冇問題, 完全正常. 但係最近發現標記轉左做紅色.
第二日再睇, 又變番紅色. 但檢查都係正常. 唯一得出結果係電池係呢一刻都冇問題. 雖然水位底但仍然可以使用 (但唔知用幾耐). 由於而家好多都係免維護 (Maintenance Free)電池所以無法再加水入去.
最後請求個客裝番呢粒電池(配有特別要求係再黎密啲被我檢查). 原因係好多其他牌子包括 #Varta #Bosch 等牌子都冇呢啲標記轉顏色. 係密封電池情況下都唔會知到底入面有幾多水位. 如果呢粒電池冇呢個標記咁咪代表仍然可以繼續使用.