
Car Battery - How to get one suitable for your car

By knowing the three different types of battery (normal startup battery, EFB and AGM), the next step will be selecting an appropriate one for your car.

1. Japanese / Korean manufactured vehicle (non-hybrid)

Simply open up the front hood and take a look at the battery label. The size (and specification) of the battery is written on top. Take note of the last two numbers and one letter that follows.

e.g. This Acdelco S80D26LH. The last two numbers is 26 followed by L (26L).

Lastly, check out if your vhielce has iStop function, and whether you are using it or not. If you are using iStop function, get EFB or AGM battery.

If you wanna check out the price of the battery, type (in this case) 26L, or simply check out the price at different retail store on your own by mentioning this size battery. (if you need a EFB or AGM, you need to mention it as well, otherwise it will be regarded as normal startup battery)


2. EU manufacture vehicle  (non-hybrid)

Some brands such as Volkswagen , the battery location is at the front. Others like BMW is located at the rear (rear bonnet)

The size of these vehicle battery can normally be referred by its Ah value (especially in the case of the original battery). However, after market battery can be difficult to judge the size by referring the Ah value, as there are range of Ah offered by different battery brands.

So, the best way is to get the width and length of the battery, and check out whether you got an iStop function

At tyrehood, you can use width and length to find the list of batteryavailable.


3.  Japanese / Korean manufactured vehicle (hybrid)

Besides the very high voltage battery (which is around 220V) that the hybrid car has, there is another startup battery to get the car engine on.

The location of the battery is different for different brands. Some located at the front, some located at the bottom of the seat, some located at the rear.

If the battery is located at the front, that is a good news. Not only you can check the battery model easily, the size of the battery is normally (or commonly) be found in the market.

But for those that located differently, it is cumbersome to find exactly the same size of the battery.

An example of the hybrid car used battery, which looks like a square size. But most commonly sold batteries are rectangle size in Hong Kong.

4. EU manufacture vehicle  (hybrid)

Haven't seen one yet.

The size of the battery market is small. Hence there are very few brands you could choose. With the increasing number of hybrid cars and different sizes required, there could be a day when there is only one or two brands available for you to choose.


汽車電池 - 如何選擇岩裝既電池 Car Battery - How to get one suitable for your car

(English version below)


知道最基本既電池分類(普通起動電池, EFB, AGM), 就要選擇邊一隻電池岩自己部車用. 若未有睇到基本分類可以禁呢到連結睇下....

搵岩電裝主要睇: (1)電池製造標準, (2) 尺寸, (3) 電池類別 (4) 電池頭位置


(1) 電池製造標準 DIN/EN vs JIS

DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung), 我直接叫佢做德國標準. 而家應該好多都改為 EN (European) 歐盟 標準. 通常歐洲牌子汽車都跟用 DIN/EN 標準電池. 部分日製/韓製汽車都會使用 DIN 標準電池 (睇下圖).

橙色圈住個兩個電池頭位置係凹左入去. 代表該電池係DIN 標準

JIS (Japanese Industrial Standard) 日本標準 (睇下圖), 只會出現係非歐洲製汽車. 

紅色圈住個兩個電池頭位置係平列於電池面. 代表該電池係JIS 標準

仲有第三款唔同型態既電池, 通常用於某部分hybrid 混能車. 如果並非以上其一, 請whatsapp相查詢.

(2) 尺寸, 電池類別, 電池頭位置

JIS 標準, 請看 A, 

DIN 標準, 請看 B

A) JIS 標準: 日本車/韓國車

呢款車比較簡單, 開頭蓋搵番粒電池, 留意一下電池上面既 label 係寫住咩型號. (因為電池尺寸既型號就係代表住電池既尺寸. 留意番電池型號, 最後2位數字及之後既一個英文字母.)


👀e.g. 呢款既 Acdelco S80D26LH. 最後兩位數字係 26 及 L (26L).

如果睇唔到電池上標籤就直接用尺度長度就可以. (如果正極 (+) 電池頭位置係左邊, 代表 L )
e.g. 大約 19cm -> 19L / 20L, 大約 24cm -> 24L, 大約 23cm -> 23L 等等

👀最後要知部車是否需要用 EFB 或 AGM, 就係睇番自己部車有冇 iStop 功能啦. 特別係二手車, 上手可能有機會換左普通電池但係自己又keep 住用 iStop, 所以最好都係睇番部車自己既功能.

B) DIN標準: 歐洲車或部分 日/韓製電動車

有啲牌子如 Volkswagen , 電池係位於車頭位置. BMW 電池位置係車尾箱.

用AH 或電池尺寸判斷更換既電池

👂可以利用電池上既 Ah 數去refer 番. 特別係原裝電池. 因為尺寸通常一樣. 但係二手車有曾經換過既電就比較難以利用 Ah 數去refer 尺寸. 

或最好既方法, 就係搵把尺度一度長度及寬度, 如果部車有上高既扣位需要另外度埋高度.
之後再睇番部車駛唔駛用到 iStop 功能

👂於電池上睇是否有EFB/AGM 字眼, 或於車上睇有沒有iStop 功能

DIN標準正極 (+) 電池頭位置永遠在左邊


C) 日本車/韓國車 ( Hybrid 油同電既混能) 12V 電池

Prius -> JIS: 19R 或 24R 

Vellfire -> 其實香港只有樂聲 panasonic 個粒先岩尺寸裝. 但係我自己個部都求其裝26L 落去算.

其他 hybrid 唔係好記得. 請先睇最頂部分是否睇落似 JIS / DIN 標準, 再跟住睇 A) 或 B). 如果不在JIS/DIN 標準, 請影相whatsapp 俾我或最好親自過黎.

一向見開既長方型電池, 突然變左正方型咁既尺寸. 

D. 歐洲車 (hybrid)

暫時未見過. 仲未答到大家.


Q1) 如果部車係用緊普通電池, 可唔可以轉用 EFB/AGM 電池? 
可以的. 但加強左電池款唔代表粒電池可以耐用過普通個粒. 個個人使用方法唔同. 有啲可能更有效, 有啲就無用. 您問我可唔可以轉EFB/AGM, 當然一定可以, 但如果您係新客, 問我可以用幾耐, 我話我個friend 部 09年 Toyota Sienta 用5年都未駛換, 我啲熟客有部用左2年幾都仲用緊, 但另外兩部就2年左右就要換. (佢地個個都有指定時間過黎俾我check 下車), 我俾個大約數您, 其實都係 

順帶一提, 如果您想普通電池改為 EFB/AGM, (應該係所有, 汽油車) 日本車如果係用緊 JIS (日本)標準係只有EFB 係市場上供應. 如果您用日本車想換歐洲版本既AGM 電池, 我建議唔好咁做.

Q2) 原配係 EFB 電池, 可唔可以改用 AGM ?

可以. 不過AGM 電貴過EFB 電池唔少. 如果改用AGM 係唔係真係岩, 您自己決定了.

Q3) 原配係 EFB 可唔可以轉普通?

有啲情況下其實係可以的. 但要自己留意有啲野先每日都要開車前做.

Q4)原配係AGM 電池可唔可以轉EFB / 普通?

我未試過, 我唔知.


At tyrehood, you can use different ways to find your battery

By knowing the three different types of battery (normal startup battery, EFB and AGM), the next step will be selecting an appropriate one for your car. If you are uncertain about these three types of batteries, check out the link here for detail.

To find suitable battery for yourself, use the following:

 (1)Battery manufacture standard, (2) Size, (3) Type of battery (4) + terminal battery location

(27th Dec 2024 Update:)

(1) Battery standard DIN/EN vs JIS

DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung), German standard for manufacture battery but it's now move forward with EN standard (European) . All Western manufactured vehicles comes with DIN/EN standard battery as well as some of the Japanese/Korean manufactured brands. (see picture below)

Terminal heads circled in orange are NOT at the top of the battery (see the picture below for compaison)

JIS (Japanese Industrial Standard) Japanese standard (see picture below). Only available to non Western manufactured vehicles

Circled in red terminal heads are at the top of the battery (JIS standard)

Another type of battery has different design normally used in a few types of hybrid vehicles. If your battery is not one of the above, please whatsapp to enquire.

(2) Size, battery type, + terminal location

For JIS standard, please refer  A for guide

For DIN standard, please refer B for guide

A) Japanese / Korean manufactured vehicle

Simply open up the front hood and take a look at the battery label. The size (and specification) of the battery is written on top. Take note of the last two numbers and one letter that follows.

Refer the label or battery size to determine the right battery

👀 e.g. This Acdelco S80D26LH. The last two numbers is 26 followed by L (26L).


Measure the Length of the battery to determine. Let's say the positive (+) terminal head is at the left, which implies (L) 
e.g. around 19-20cm -> 19L, around 24cm -> 24L, around 23cm -> 23L etc.

👀Lastly, check out if your vhielce has iStop function, and whether you are using it or not. If you are using iStop function, get EFB or AGM battery.

If you wanna check out the price of the battery, type (in this case) 26L, or simply check out the price at different retail store on your own by mentioning this size battery. (if you need a EFB or AGM, you need to mention it as well, otherwise it will be regarded as normal startup battery)

B) DIN/EN standard: Western manufacture vehicle / some Korean or Japanese manufactured vehicle

Some brands such as Volkswagen , the battery location is at the front. Others like BMW is located at the rear (rear bonnet)

Use AH value or battery size to determine the battery model

👂 Referred the battery AH value (especially in the case of the original battery). However, after market battery can be difficult to judge the size by referring the Ah value, as there are range of Ah offered by different battery brands.

So, the best way is to get the width and length of the battery, and check out whether you got an iStop function

👂 Check out if  EFB/AGM these words appear on your battery label or whether the vehicle has iStop function.

DIN/EN standard battery positive terminal head is always at the left

3.  Japanese / Korean manufactured vehicle (hybrid)

Prius -> JIS: 19R or 24R 

Vellfire -> In HK market, only panasonic battery has the proper size to install but my own install just a JIS standard 26L

For other hybrid, check out if the battery is JIS/DIN standard, then follow the above steps. For none of these standards, please whatsapp for enquiry

An example of the hybrid car used battery, which looks like a square size. But most commonly sold batteries are rectangle size in Hong Kong.

4. EU manufacture vehicle  (hybrid)

Haven't seen one yet.

(2 Dec 2024 update:)

1) Can I convert to EFB/AGM battery if I am using a normal battery?
Yes. But it does not necessary mean it is longer lasting than the normal one. Afterall, different people driver differently. Some might be longer lasting but some are not. If you are asking me how long can it last, I got a friend who had a 2009 Toyota Sienta used the battery for 5 years, and another one with more than 2 years and still using. However his other two vehicles only last within 2 years. All of them come for inspection at some specific time. Giving you a rough number is definitely not accurate at all.

In addition, almost all petrol Japanese vehicle are using JIS (japan) standard battery. Only EFB battery can be found in the market. If you are planning to change a DIS (europe standard) battery, I suggest not to.

2) Originally Equipped EFB battery, can it convert to AGM ?

Yes. But AGM is more epensive than EFB. It's not necessarily mean AGM is better than EFB for your use.

3) Originally equipped EFB, can it convert to normal battery?

Under some situations it can convert to normal battery but with everyday special maintenance.

4) Originally equipped AGM battery can it convert to EFB or normal battery?

I dun know. I  never tried before.

The size of the battery market is small. Hence there are very few brands you could choose. With the increasing number of hybrid cars and different sizes required, there could be a day when there is only one or two brands available for you to choose.


Tyrehood Next Project

 English version at the bottom


再一次感謝Tyrehood顧客支持. 願意與Tyrehood 於輪胎市埸上作出改變. 我會一直更新並盡量研發更多既野於網站及手機程式上

Apps 內容都會盡量一直更新. 而今次黎緊既project, 就係我一開始就期望好快做到既野但係眼見要好啲時間去研究所以就冇繼續做到. 而家就先做啲簡單既野先.


今次個重點係圖最上面既個"抽" 野. 就係整硬件去檢查汽車電池.

Tyrehood 既顧客, 希望我可以盡快 handle 到個 chips 做到個hardware 出黎俾大家用. 


Once again to thank Tyrehood customers support, and go with Tyrehood vision to improve the experience of the tire industry. I will keep updating the existing website and app in the future.

Besides updating the apps content, the upcoming project is something that I wanted to do since the beginning. Due to a long time spent in researching, this project was put on hold. And now, I have started to do something simple first.


The important point  is at the upper part of the image (in which there is a big lump of wires). This is something created to inspect the automotive battery.

I hope I could handle the chips to make the hardware for Tyrehood customers as soon as possible.

Looking forward to it.


汽車電池 - 種類 Type of Automotive Battery

(English version below)

對於汽車電池, 您有幾熟悉?




未繼續答更多既問題之前, 首先大家都一定要知最基本既野, 就係到底有咩電池類別, 同埋應該揀邊一個類別.

總括黎講最常用既汽車電池分為三類別 - 普通電池, EFB電池, 同埋AGM電池.

(仲有另外兩款, Deep cycle 同埋 Lithium. 呢兩款就睇下會唔會遲啲再講)

另有三款分別為 Deep Cycle,  Lithium, 及 Gel

Deep Cycle 「深循環電池」或「深放電電池」係常用於船上. 當年 Tesla Model S 都有用 Deep Cycle 電池. 但最近得知之後有啲款開始, 已經由 deep cycle 改為其他款既電池.

Lithium 鋰電池 係出面比較多人聽到, 話特別好既電池, 話耐用. 係電動車未出現之前已經有傳. 但有冇諗過點解係汽油車時代都仲未通行? 但現時電動車時代都冇用黎做12V. 原因, 可以了解下您自己部手提電話就知道.

Gel 電池係電單車常用既電池. Gel 唔係 AGM 電池. 由於我從來冇見過, 所以我都唔知價錢同是否岩用於 Benz 的輔助電池


如果您部車係沒有iStop 功能(中文好似係叫 停車時自動熄匙功能), 就只需要用番普通電池就夠.

市面上現有的電池, 多數都係韓國製, 日本製, 歐洲製, 及印度制. (部分牌子已經有中國製)
普通電池當中, 也有兩款唔同既分別: -> Calcium () 料, 及 Silver ()料.

Calcium 料係現時比較普遍係電池當中, e.g. Eneus, Solite, Acdelco 等.... 簡寫為 CMF
Silver 料通常會見到係 Amaron, Varta 牌子. 

兩者之間對應唔同使用方法. 但Silver 就係其中一個原因點解令到個款電池特別貴啲. 所以有啲人一聽到 Amaron 係印度製既電池, 即時就黎左個偏見, 點解印度製既, 仲貴過韓國製..... 

之於兩者之間既分別.... 我就唔詳細係呢到講了.

如果係EFB或AGM電池, 電池上都會印有 EFB, AGM 既字眼. 所以好易認得出.

現時香港有9成幾既汽車用電池都係 "免維護(Maintenance Free)". 即係用家無需要去睇電池入面液體夠唔夠, 唔駛好似以前咁需要加蒸餾水.

私家車同van 仔用既電池都只會搵到"免維護", 除左部分貨車都仲可以買到水電. 不過對於個啲想買水電既車主, 有冇諗過唔係真係次次都俾您加到水就可以著番部車 ?


汽車電池及其他服務檢查只限於Tyrehood網上客戶並落訂購買至少兩條輪胎(並未有要求戥呔前移除鉛)及電池(電池牌子需要在Tyrehood網站上銷售, 如 Acdelco, Eneus, Solite等)


汽車業務通常分為輪胎及電池(簡稱呔鋪, 為零售服務), 維修(簡稱車房), 及汽車美容服務. 

Tyrehood 現時業務為呔鋪, 並沒有其他服務如更換油服務提供.


How well do you know automotive batteries in the market?

How long can it be last?

How long can it be used?

Those made in Japan or made in Europe are the best recommendation.... or is it?

Before coming into further questions, it is a basic to know what type of battery you actually need for your vehicle.

In general, there is 3 types commonly used for your vehicle - The standard battery, EFB, and AGM.

(There is another 2 types of batteries, deep cycle and Lithium which maybe explained in the future)

Let's make a quick explanation on another three types of battery that can also be found in the market. 

Deep Cycle battery is normally used in boat. Tesla Model S also used Deep Cycle battery. But hearing from customers that latest models are swapping deep cycle with other types of batteries.

Lithium batteries are rumored to be especially good and durable even before electric vehicle released. Yet, it is not commonly installed in petrol vehicle, and not even in electric vehicle as originally equipped for 12V. For the reason, you could check out your smartphone for it.

Gel battery normally used in motorcycle. Gel is not AGM battery. I have never seen one before so I do not know if it can be used in Benz as auxiliary battery.

So which one should you choose?

If your vehicle do NOT have an iStop function (idling stop function, which automatic switch off your engine when your vehicle comes to a stop), a standard battery is enough for your vehicle.

(2 Dec 2024 Update:)
These type of batteries commonly made in Korea, Japan, India (with some brands already made in China)

There are two different materials built for normal battery: Calcium, and Silver.

Calcium is commonly found in battery. E.g. Eneus, Solite, Acdelco etc.... short form CMF.
Silver can be found in Amaron, Varta brand.

These two offers different uses. But silver is one of the reasons why the battery is a little more expensive.
And for those two differences, I am not going into detail.

It is also easy to classify the type of battery by looking at the labels. If it is a EFB or a AGM, there will be label imprinting on it. 

In these days, the way that automotive battery work is now known as "Maintenance Free", which implies users do not need to keep track of the liquid level of the battery. (unlike last time when you need to top up the battery using distilled water)

The after market batteries are all "Maintenance Free" except one or two brands available in Hong Kong market. However, those non Maintenance Free batteries are only available to Long Lorry vehicle and Truck. 

Battery inspection and other inspection service are only available to Tyrehood customers who at least pre-purchase two tyres and one battery (battery brands must be available on Tyrehood website such as Acdelco, Eneus, Solite etc).

For walkin customer, please contact the supplier for any query or questions related to your product issues.


Out of topic, but something to be known. Automotive industry in Hong Kong is classified into three categories - tyre retail store, automotive garage, and automotive detailing.

Tyrehood is a tyre retail store at this moment. Therefore Tyrehood do not provide services such as oil changing which are provided by a garage.

Automotive Battery - Type of batteries

How well do you know automotive batteries in the market?

How long can it be last?

How long can it be used?

Those made in Japan or made in Europe are the best recommendation.... or is it?

Before coming into further questions, it is a basic to know what type of battery you actually need for your vehicle.

In general, there is 3 types commonly used for your vehicle - The standard battery, EFB, and AGM.

(There is another 2 types of batteries, deep cycle and Lithium which maybe explained in the future)

So which one should you choose?

If your vehicle do NOT have an iStop function (idling stop function, which automatic switch off your engine when your vehicle comes to a stop), a standard battery is enough for your vehicle.

It is also easy to classify the type of battery by looking at the labels. If it is a EFB or a AGM, there will be label imprinting on it. 

In these days, the way that automotive battery work is now known as "Maintenance Free", which implies users do not need to keep track of the liquid level of the battery. (unlike last time when you need to top up the battery using distilled water)

The after market batteries are all "Maintenance Free" except one or two brands available in Hong Kong market. However, those non Maintenance Free batteries are only available to Long Lorry vehicle and Truck.

Battery inspection and other inspection service are only available to Tyrehood customers who at least pre-purchase two tyres and one battery (battery brands must be available on Tyrehood website such as Acdelco, Eneus, Solite etc).

For walkin customer, please contact the supplier for any query or questions related to your product issues.


Out of topic, but something to be known. Automotive industry in Hong Kong is classified into three categories - tyre retail store, automotive garage, and automotive detailing.

Tyrehood is a tyre retail store at this moment. Therefore Tyrehood do not provide services such as oil changing which are provided by a garage.