
Basic Tyre Knowledge You Should Know

My car is ____ (brand), ____ (model), 2008 year, how much does it cost to change a tyre?

How much is it for a 17" (inch) tyre?

I wanted to change new tyre, how much will it be? (...waiting for reply)

Some of you may ask one of the three questions for a change of tyre, without realizing that there are myriads of sizes available in the Hong Kong market. It would be difficult to answer without the correct size, we will be thinking if you are looking for....

205/45 R17? 
215/45 R17? 
225/45 R17? 
235/45 R17? 
245/45 R17......

There are just too many ....

In fact, you can find the tyre size on the sidewall of your vehicle tyre. There are three sets of numbers (as shown in the image above), and get these sets of numbers so you can accurately find out how much will it cost for your tyre and the choices available.

Are there any info can be found at the sidewall? Yes...

The tire manufacture date is also one of the basic that you should know. At least you are aware that there is manufacture date and when you purchase a second hand tire (aka used tire), you will take notice that some may have tempered with the date by grinding it off.

Download our recently released mobile application, Tyrehood Zone.
Register as member and login. Go to "Info Center", and you can find out more about the basic tyre knowledge (currently available in iphone apps only,  the function will release in Android soon) at your fingertips. Find it out right away, or revise your knowledge with it, there is no need for you to memorize everything.

New member registration obtain a $100 cash coupon upon purchase 4 tyres in one transaction.

Android and iOS can be downloaded.


我部車係 XXX 牌子, ZZ 款, 2008年既車, 想問換呔幾錢呀?

想問換 17寸既呔要幾錢呀?

我想換呔, 想問幾錢? (... 等覆)

以上三條問題相信唔少人想買輪胎問價錢都可能有問過, 但原來唔少人都唔知, 原來香港市場有好多尺寸可以揀, 呔鋪都唔知點樣答番您到底係您係想要..... 
205/45 R17? 
215/45 R17? 
225/45 R17? 
235/45 R17? 
245/45 R17......


其實, 最簡單就係直接睇番輪胎既胎肚位置, 會有三組數目字 (如圖示), 就可以準確知道問到呢個尺寸有咩呔, 係咩價錢啦.


仲有冇其他資料? 有....

輪胎生產(製造)日期都係其中基本知識之一, 至少您知道輪胎係一定會有生產日期
就算您買二手呔(aka 舊呔), 見到個日期俾人磨走左都識得睇

下載最近岩岩出既手機應用apps,  Tyrehood Zone, 
註冊成為會員並登入後, 去番 "資訊" 一欄, 就可以睇到更多有關基本輪胎知識 (iphone app, android). 有資料係手跟身係手機, 想即時了解, 重溫番又得. 唔駛特登記住.

新會員仲可以買4條呔減 $100 既coupon. 

Android 同 iOS 都有得下載.



 米芝蓮, 派拉利, 馬牌, Yokohama, Dunlop, 飛勁, Sumitomo, Lassa, 建大, 東洋, 賽輪, Hifly, 飛達, Firenza, 韓泰, petlas, maxtrek, Nexen, Vitour, sportrak, 海大