
呔氣指標蓋 Tire Pressure Indicator

之前有睇過有個蓋cap 住係條呔既喉咀到. 好似下面呢個咁
綠色: 代表呔夠氣
紅色: 代表呔唔夠氣, 要打氣

睇落好似簡單又易用, 一開始都而為佢仲勁過而家個的用手機睇呔條既儀器, 但發現其實唔係.
問左個賣家, 佢話, 入面其實set 死個呔氣指標. (不過冇問到set 左幾大指標) e.g. 廠set 左係36 psi 既呔氣, 但係你平時打氣係32psi 既話, 你用左佢既話, 就永遠都係出紅色, 而舊野係自己冇得改. 

如果你打算買既話, 或者己經買左既話,  就要問下佢地係set 左咩指標先好買啦, 或者黎我地到, 我幫你睇個舊野係set 左幾多psi.


Below tire cap, I believe, is not uncommon to every driver. It's used to track tire pressure.
Green: indicates sufficient tire pressure
Red: indicates insufficient tire pressure, you need to pump more air

It looks simple and easy to use, and sort of better than those other devices that used smartphone to monitor the air pressure. But it turns out it's not really the case. The seller told me that, the pressure indicator is fixed at the cap (though I didn't ask what's the pressure set). Let's say if it's set at 36 psi, and you normally pump air to 32 psi, it will always show red light. You cannot change it, nor the seller.

If you are planning to purchase, or you already had it, you may want to check out the pressure fixed at the cap. (you are welcome to come to my store and I can find it out for you too :D )