
續領車輛牌照智方便 Ease of Renewal Vehicle License with 'iAm Smart+'

 (English version at the bottom)

做到慳錢, 慳時間, 必定係政府出既 "智方便" 去幫自己部車搞續牌.

只需要您有呢幾樣文件: a)驗車合格紙, b)保險證明 (Certificate of Insurance [aka C.I.] 或 有效的Cover Note), c)正本牌薄, d)3個月內住址證明, 用您部手機影底晒後, 隨時隨地您都可以用智方便 搞續牌 上網俾埋錢. 除非您太遲搞, 最後都要親身到運輸署處理.


智方便除左搞續牌, 仲可以申請埋國際車牌 (都係10個工作日內), 同埋唔駛您用密碼都可以登入及處理大部分其他唔同政府部門網站您需要處理既事務, 包括每年網上報稅 (員工包括有限公司董事需要自行報稅都係員工, 無限公司持有人: 生意額少於200萬), 就唔駛記住自己個 TIN 號碼同密碼. 係必定要下載使用既 app 之一.

使用智方便+ 方法

1) Google play (Android) 或 App Store (iphone) 輸入 "智方便".  會顯示 "智方便 iAM Smart

直接登記, 好似係要配有 NFC既手機功能先可以自己登記個  "智方便+ ". 否則就要去郵政局搞.
跟住佢個指示註冊個帳戶就可以整好個 智方便+ 啦. (之前我都仲需要去郵局到認證). 點先知部機有NFC.... 唔識既話您咁岩過黎我到要整野既就順便問我.



去就近既郵政局 (需要郵政局開放時間內) , 話想整 "智方便+ ". 登記完後就搞點晒. 


2a) 係apps 入面好易搵到 "續領車輛牌照" , 跟住指示填少少資料 再上載埋個幾樣文件, 俾錢就搞點.

2b) 用電腦去 https://www.gov.hk/tc/residents/transport/vehicle/renewvehiclelicense.htm , 再利用智方便登入, 上載文件, 俾錢. 完成.

 Q1: 唔見左部手機會唔會被人登入到?

作為個程式開發員既我可以話您知, 一般人都好難入到您手機入面資料. 特別係您開手機既密碼. 由於智方便只可以限於一部手機使用, 係您用另一部手機下載智方便後轉移, 原先個部手機就不能再登入智方便.

為左保障您自己, 用緊 android 既您可以係 https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6160491?hl=en 遙距刪除部機資料.(iphone : https://support.apple.com/en-hk/guide/icloud/mmfc0ef36f/icloud)

Q2: 網上資料會唔會被人盜用

用手機處理的話, 最重要係您部手機唔好亂安裝 (android 的話) 用 apk 檔案先可以下載既 app. 即係並非 google play 下載的 apps,  (除非您相信apk 檔案一定冇事). 但就算係咁, 基本上係(Android) Google play 同 (iphone) app store 係批政府上架之前, 會要求個 apps 要係傳送資料時加密. 否則並不能夠成功上載被我地去尋找及下載政府 apps. 

用電腦處理的話, 都係同樣地唔好亂安裝野係電腦上 同埋 您冇亂入一啲唔安全既網站 (e.g. Chrome 會警告您去緊一個唔安全既網站). 現時大部分網站都已經係傳送資料時已加密. 

Q3: 車輛過戶得唔得

唔得. 想即時搞到過戶都係要雙方親自到最近運輸署處理或經車行處理(通常下一個工作日處理)

作為 Tyrehood 客戶既您睇緊呢篇文章, 唔少得本人要幫您地拎多啲優惠. 臨緊續保時間, 不妨問下保費, 盡量幫您搵最平及/或優惠價既保費俾您.


To save both money and time, 'iAm Smart' app released by the government is a must installed mobile application for renewal vehicle license. 

With the following documents captured in your mobile, you can apply for a renewal online at anytime, anywhere that you want unless your vehicle permit is near expiry which require you to go Transportation Department directly. Documents needed: 

a) Inspection pass result slip, b) Certificate of Insurance (C.I.) or still valid Cover Note, c) Original Vehicle Registration Document, d) Address prove (within 3 months of the application).

It will take within 10 working days to send to your address via registered letter.

The app can assist your other government applications e.g. International Driving Permit (within 10 working days), and login most of the government departments account without password like submitting personal tax form. It's surely one of the must installed application.

How to use 'iAM Smart"

1) Google play (Android) or App Store (iphone) , search "iam smart"

Download the following apps,

Follow the instruction to register and your account is ready to renew your license right away.  It looks like your mobile needs NFC function in order to complete the 'iAm Smart+' account. If you are unsure if your mobile has this function, you can ask me when you come over to my store for services. (previously I still need to go post office for second verification) 



Get to the nearest post office or self verification machine

2a) Renewal vehicle license can be easily found once you log into the app. Following the instruction given and upload the documents required, pay the fee. That's it.


2b) use PC to go https://www.gov.hk/tc/residents/transport/vehicle/renewvehiclelicense.htm , and login with your application, upload documents, complete the payment. Done.

 Q1: Can the app be accessed by third party if my mobile phone is missing?

As a programmer, I am sure that a normal person is difficult to access your device, especially your password. The application only allows one device to log in. Hence, you can use another mobile device to transfer the account and your previous device will no longer be used to access into it.

To secure your personal data, for android user, you can use this link:  https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6160491?hl=en to remotely erase all your information in your mobile.(iphone : https://support.apple.com/en-hk/guide/icloud/mmfc0ef36f/icloud)

Q2: Will my data be stolen online?

For mobile, as long as you do not install anything untrustworthy, e.g. those apk file outside of Google play (unless you trust that apk file is secure). Basically android and ios app is required to have encryption in transmitting information before allowing the app to be published. 

For PC, as long as you do not install anything weird or access to insecure website (e.g. browser will warn you about entering a website that will steal your data). Most websites are normally secured in transmitting data.

Q3: Transfer of ownership, can it be done?

Nope. Both parties or you need to go to nearest Transportation Department directly or via another organization (normally takes one working day)

As a Tyrehood customer reading this article, feel free to enquire your vehicle insurance before you renew your current one. I will try to get the lowest and/or discounted premium for you.